BONUS CHAPTER 3 | The Angel of Hellfire and the Master of Death [CROSSOVER]

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[Davina x. Lionhearts]

This is the second chapter of
the crossover event between this book, Lionhearts, and my other HP fan-fiction book, Davina. See my author's note in Davina for an in-depth explanation, if you haven't already. The other crossover chapters may also be read in Lionhearts under the name of "bonus/crossover chapters" and should be considered spoilers to both books of you have not read both.

Lionhearts exists in a parallel world to Davina, in which Harry Potter had a twin named Lily Rose Potter and the girl who is known as Davina Malfoy does not exist. This crossover takes place nearly six years after the Order wins the Second Wizarding War in Lionhearts. The war still rages on in Davina.


THE GOLDEN POCKET watch clicked and whirred with an excited hum around Davina Malfoy's neck as two star-crossed destinies collided at long last. The veil between life and death was firm, but the veil which separated worlds was even more sacred. No one except one blessed by Death could come to know about such an existence, much less manage it. It was magic beyond magic, and it was extremely dangerous. If the universe had its way, they would never have met. These two women, however, were born to defy destiny and they did it well. They were the embodiment of two extremes, and to be in that quaint little room as they came face to face was to witness a legend for the storybooks. The angel of hellfire and the true master of death faced each other, at last.

As soon as Davina's gaze fell upon the young woman standing across from her, she recognized her as the phantasmal spirit who appeared to her at Grimmauld Place. She was strikingly beautiful in the flesh. Her auburn hair was a blanket of crimson that contrasted against her alabaster skin. Her arms were carved with faded scars of pink and white that correlated with the untold stories and heartaches glittering in her warm but clever emerald eyes. Her lips were curved into a slight smirk before Davina formally introduced herself, and the blonde knew at once that this woman was extremely brilliant and perhaps even a little mad.

The nameless woman sat down on the edge of her bed, leaned back on her hands, and sighed with an amused smile on her face. She stared at the wall for a long moment before returning her gaze to Davina, who stood in the corner still trying to get her bearings.

"Your world, you say..." She looked at nothing in particular, "And here I thought I was done with epic magical discoveries. I need to learn to stop looking for adventures."

"You and me both." Davina chuckled somewhat awkwardly.

The woman rose to her foot and extended her hand to her. "My name is Lily. Lily Potter-Weasley."

Davina stared blankly at her. "Potter. As in Harry Potter?"

"He's my brother -- my twin brother, to be exact." Lily smirked, "I like to think he's the lesser-known twin, but that's just my ego talking."

An incredulous laugh slipped from Davina's lips as she ran a hand through her hair. "Harry Potter has a twin..."

Lily gave her a funny look. She analyzed the incredulity on her face and knew this young woman was not making up a thing. That, combined with the weird sense of magic she felt emanating from her told her that she was not, in fact, from this world. To anyone more sane than Lily, the idea might have taken a long time to mull over and process, but Lily was seldom surprised by much anymore.

"May I see your watch?" Lily queried, her gaze falling upon the peculiar object.

For some strange and inexplicable reason, Davina felt as though this woman was trustworthy. She couldn't explain how or why she knew this. Perhaps it was because she had seen her as a phantom a few times before, or perhaps it was because she sensed a kindred spirit within her. All she knew was that she quite liked this strange woman.

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