Year 1 | Wingardium Leviosa

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     HERMIONE GRANGER AND Lily Potter strolled through the courtyard together later on that very same day, for they were returning from the library after studying for their classes

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     HERMIONE GRANGER AND Lily Potter strolled through the courtyard together later on that very same day, for they were returning from the library after studying for their classes. They had reviewed almost every topic in Transfiguration and Potions, and had only begun to review Charms when the bell signaled that there were exactly ten minutes before dinner. Walking ahead of them, Harry and Ron had been walking with a few other Gryffindor boys as Ron was seemingly ranting about something. As they walked closer as if to pass them, the two girls heard exactly what Ron was ranting about and Lily's heart leaped in her chest.

"It's LeviOsa, not LeviosA. Honestly! She's a nightmare!" He groaned, recalling their class earlier as he clutched his charms homework in his hands, "No wonder she hasn't got any friends!"

Lily looked at Hermione and her heart sunk. Hermione looked at Lily with an expression of betrayal and then back at the group of boys before her gaze fell to the ground. Tears began to stream down her face as she clutched her books to her chest as sped up her pace, brushing past the boys.

"I think she heard you." Harry paused, watching Hermione walk away. Lily sped up her pace and stopped in front of the boys, making them halt in their tracks.

"Nice going, Ronald." She chided, "Hermione was only trying to help you and now you have hurt her feelings."

An expression of guilt crept up onto Ron's face as he looked down with shame. Lily then proceeded to chase after her brunette friend, all the way back into the classroom. She followed her into the first-floor girls bathroom and found that the poor girl had locked herself in a stall.

"Hermione, please come out. It's me." Lily pleaded, standing by the stall door. She had known all Hermione ever wanted was to try to fit in.

"Go away." She wept.

"Hermione, you don't really think I would say or even consider such things like what Ron said, do you?" She questioned, "I would never. And if it makes you feel any better, I understand how you're feeling."

"How could you possibly understand? I'm a muggle-born witch. No one wants to be friends with me." Hermione sniffed.

"No, but I am a half-blood. Even then, I know how it feels to be the odd one out; to feel like you're alone when all you want is a friend." She continued, "Back at home, the Denvers ignored me since I was left on their doorstep, Hermione. So I know what it is like and I would never do that to you."

The bathroom grew quiet of voices or movement, besides Hermione's occasional sniffing.

"Besides, 'Mione, Ron was wrong. You have plenty of friends." She added, "Including me. I will always be here for you."

Lily's sweet words had finally gotten through to Hermione and she smiled to herself once she heard the stall door unlock. Anyone who knew their parents would be able to see Lily's mother within her in that moment.

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