Year 3 | Remus Lupin

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ONLY HOURS AFTER Harry and Lily had reunited with their friends --and for all purposes, family-- the adolescents all packed up and readied themselves for the train ride upon the Hogwarts Express

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ONLY HOURS AFTER Harry and Lily had reunited with their friends --and for all purposes, family-- the adolescents all packed up and readied themselves for the train ride upon the Hogwarts Express. The Weasleys, the Potter twins and Hermione all made it through the brick wall at platform nine and three-quarters in one piece, all together, unlike some from the previous year.

"She seems different, doesn't she?" Hermione remarked.

Harry, Hermione and Ron were standing together near one of the entrances of the train. The three all watched as Lily conversed with Mrs. Weasley, bidding her farewell. Harry looked at Hermione.

She sighed, "I mean, she's quieter...maturer...I don't know, she just seems...--"

"--Distant." Harry completed.

Hermione frowned and met his eyes, "Yes."

Lily and Mrs. Weasley exchanged a hug before Lily grabbed her trunk and wheeled it behind her, making her way over to her three best friends.

"Are we boarding?" She asked. She could tell by the looks on their faces that they had been talking about her. She shrugged it off.

"Yeah." Ron nodded. The four of them filed behind each other, walking past filled compartments. They saw Neville coming in their direction.

"Hi, Neville." The four greeted in unison.

Neville acknowledged them with a spluttered 'Hello', and bumped past them. They were having no luck finding a place to sit, all until they finally reached a compartment towards the middle of the train. Inside of it, a huddled sleeping figure was slumped in the corner on a seat by the window. His cloak cover his sleeping figure, but they could definitely tell it was a man.

"C'mon. We're in here." Hermione gestured. They all eyed the huddled figure as they entered the compartment.

"Who do you reckon he is?" Ron asked in a whisper as they set themselves down. Lily and Hermione sat on the seat with the sleeping man, with Lily and Harry near the window.

"Professor R.J. Lupin." Hermione answered him.

"You know everything." Ron huffed, exasperated. He turned to the twins, "How is it she knows everything?"

"It's on his suitcase." Hermione and Lily replied in unison. Hermione pointed to the peeling name tag on the leather case.

"Is he really asleep?" Harry asked, eyeing him again.

"Seems to be." Hermione nodded, furrowing her eyebrows questioningly, "Why? What is it?"

"Close the door." Harry directed them. Hermione and Ron exchanged curious glances, whilst Lily already knew what this was about. Ron rose from his seat and shut the compartment door, locking it.

Once Ron sat down again, Harry proceeded to inform Hermione and Ron about Sirius Black and what Mr. Weasley told them, with Lily pitching in a few details here and there. She was being much more talkative than she had been the night before or that morning. Ron and Hermione stared at Harry and Lily, their faces stricken in the lantern light that now glowed in the compartment, for it there was a wild thunderstorm outside in the night. Crookshanks slumbered in his cage, surprisingly content despite the raging storm outside.

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