Year 5 | A Great Many Things

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      AUGUSTUS BLACK WAS most definitely the son of the infamous Hogwarts Marauder, Sirius Black

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AUGUSTUS BLACK WAS most definitely the son of the infamous Hogwarts Marauder, Sirius Black. Lily was sure of it, for as she watched the younger boy join them in selling their handy-dandy pranking products, it was as if August had become one with the world of pranks. George, who amusedly watched his twin brother help a Hufflepuff first-year how to use an Extendable Ear, leaned down to mutter into his partner's ear.

"August seems like he's in his own element, eh?"

"Skiving Snackboxes. Sweets that make you ill." explained August with an amused grin as one boy's chin grew and dropped to three times its size. "Get out of class whenever you like."

"Obtain hours of pleasure from unprofitable boredom." added Fred, "Care for another?"

The corners of Lily's mouth twitched upward as she sat on the stone ledge overlooking the smaller courtyard. George reached into his pocket and produced two Cherry Poppers, handing her one.

"Yeah," nodded Lily, watching her god-brother sell a Boxing telescope. It was a small telescope that gave the user a black eye. It proved to be almost impossible to get rid of. "He does."

Hearing the detachment in her voice, George examined his best friend and although she looked on at the amusing scene, she possessed a faraway look within her emerald-green eyes. George shoved the wrapper to his Cherry Popper into the pocket of his robes and spoke again.

"What do you want to be, Lily?" And after hearing the vagueness in his question, "What do you want to be after you graduate Hogwarts, I mean."

Lily could plainly hear the seriousness in her best friend's voice, a rare thing to witness. She looked at him and he could have sworn he saw the stars from the night sky above them reflected in her light eyes, dancing wildly, as if the thought of an answer had infused an unexpected vitality into her. No one had ever asked Lily Potter that very question and yet, she had an answer.


George stared at her for a moment as if to see if she was being vague on purpose, but she looked entirely content with her answer.

"Everything?" he repeated confusedly. He did not understand.


"How can you be everything?"

"Not without difficulty." she shrugged. Her poetic words seemed to make sense to her, so he left her to her happier thoughts.

It was only a few minutes later when Fred walked over to them with his hands in his pockets, his flaming hair disheveled as always. His hair annoyed Lily more than Harry's; every Gryffindor can attest to seeing her chase after both of them around the tower with a comb and once, even a pair of scissors.

"What's up?"

"Did we sell out well tonight?" asked George.

"Good enough." nodded Fred.

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