Year 1 | The Hogwarts Express

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KINGS CROSS STATION never looked more beautiful to Lily than it did that morning. After Hagrid helped her pack her items into a cart, he led her to the main platform as she brimmed with excitement. He was pleasantly quiet amid the crowd of traveling muggles and she hated it. She couldn't contain the single question burning in the back of her mind.

"Hagrid, where's Harry?"

Many muggles shoved their way around each other, some pushing carts and others carrying their luggage behind them. Cream bricks made up the towering walls that separated the public streets from the tracks and the flooring was made up of smooth stone tiles.

He beamed. "Oh, you'll find him."


"Yeh'll know him when you see him." He smiled inconspicuously. How the hell was she supposed to find a brother she's never met on a platform full of all these fu– "Now yer train is on Platform Nine and Three Quarters. You have an hour to board."

"Platform Nine and Three-Quarters?" She chuckled disbelievingly.

He nodded and clapped her on the shoulder. Her knees buckled under the weight. "Well, I'd best be goin'. I've got business to tend to at ol' Hogwarts."

"Okay." In the heat of the moment, she hugged him because although she didn't really know him, he brought her this far. Hagrid changed her life from the second he knocked down the Denvers' front door and exposed to the world of magic to her. "Goodbye, Hagrid."

"I'll see ya there." He smiled pleasantly, surprisingly, down at her. When her excitement morphed into awkwardness, she pulled away and began to push her cart down the platform."Oh, and Lily?" She turned around. He gave her a reassuring smile. "Best of luck with Harry. I know the two of ya will be as thick as thieves in no time."

Lily smiled, tied up her long hair, and continued down the length platform.

Just yesterday she was in the Denver house, scrubbing the floors and dusting shelves while the boys went out to play with other children their age. Her existence was barely acknowledged in school or in the house, but sometimes random strangers would run to meet her. Now she knew why. Anyway, yesterday when the Denvers argued with Professor McGonagall and Hagrid was the first time they ever fought over her when it wasn't over throwing her out on the streets to fend for herself. It lifted her spirits to know that there were people out there who thought she was worthy enough to be fought for. The thought almost brought a smile to her face, but her nervousness over meeting her long-lost brother was too distracting.

She was sure that if she were to ask a train attendant about the platform, he would think she was mad or messing with him. So instead of approaching the only train attendant in sight – an older man with a permanent scowl on his face –  she walked along platform nine and listened attentively for anyone else that may have been like her. There were way too many shoppers in Diagon Alley for her to be the only one.

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