Year 1 | The First Game

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Hello readers. Please do not comment making corrections on the Quidditch Team positions of any characters such as James Potter, Sirius Black, Oliver Wood, etc. As this is a fanfiction, canon facts are changed/adjusted to better support the fanfiction main character. Thank you.


THE QUARTET WAS seated in the Great Hall, among the few others that had decided to get breakfast before the first Quidditch match of the season. Harry and Lily, being precedents as first years on a Quidditch in a century, were quite a bit nervous at the standards they had to meet. Professor McGonagall clearly had her hopes up with them; she was convinced that they were all her house team needed to sweep the floor with the Slytherin Quidditch team.

Many others hoped for that outcome, as well, including Hermione and Ron, who sat at the Gryffindor house table early that morning. Lily was watching them attempt to convince Harry to eat something; he was boycotting eating anything before their first ever Quidditch match. It would be quite embarrassing if he were to empty the contents of his stomach on the field before the eyes of everyone.

The mere thought of it made Harry's eggs seem all the more revolting.

"Take a bit of toast, mate." encouraged Ron as he picked up a piece of toasted bread from his plate, "Go on."

"Ron's right, Harry." agreed Hermione.

"Holy crap, they actually agree on something." remarked Lily sarcastically, earning eye rolls from both.

Hermione disregarded her friend's comment, "You're both going to need your strength today."

"I'm not hungry." frowned Harry, pushing his plate away.

As he had said that, Professor Severus Snape walked up the aisle between their table and Hufflepuff's table and stopped behind Ron and Harry. Ron tensed visibly; he found Professor Snape very intimidating. The hook-nosed looked between Harry and Lily and did not bother to infuse any faux enthusiasm into his cold voice.

"Good luck today, Potters." he paused momentarily, "Then again, you've proven yourselves against a troll so a game of Quidditch should be easy work..."

His arrogance annoyed them.

"...Even if it is against Slytherin."

As he walked away without another word, Fred and George Weasley snuck up behind Harry and shouted out, scaring him. Harry choked on the orange juice he had finally convinced himself to have and defeatedly set it back on the table with a frown. It was not like he was starving. At the Dursley's, he almost went three days without dinner after he had made Dudley [fake] cry.

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