Year 2 | The Poltergeist

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IN THE MORNING, Lily had showered and dressed, but was now fumbling around with her long, curly red hair in attempts to put it up neatly

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IN THE MORNING, Lily had showered and dressed, but was now fumbling around with her long, curly red hair in attempts to put it up neatly. Her hair was her downfall the Gryffindors had Quidditch practice today, and Lily hated it when her hair got in her face and distracted her; she would be on a broom, of course, and no one need to break their neck, especially when they're one of the most important players. "Ugh!" she groaned, letting her hair go wild after messing with it for so long.

Ginny, who was still writing in that diary, giggled. Without setting the book down, she went to the stairs. "Fred! George! Hair!" she laughed, shouting it down.

Lily watched her in confusion as she sat back down on her bed. A few seconds later, two sets of footsteps ascended the stairs. Fred and George, already dressed for Quidditch practice, stuck their heads in their door, rolling their eyes at Ginny.

"Not me. Lily." Ginny protested, pointing at the fluffy haired girl.

Fred and George turned to towards Lily and smirked, looking over her hair in great effect. "Having trouble with your mane, little lion?" Fred asked, his smirk turning into a full fledged grin that was engulfing his whole face.

"Watch yourself." she warned playfully, sticking her tongue out at them.

"Brush." George held his hand out. Confused yet still semi trusting of the twins Lily gave it to him and they sat down on her bed on both sides of the girl. George began running a brush through her hair, and when all of the knots were out, Fred began weaving it into a French braid.

"You know how to do hair?" Lily asked, genuinely surprised.

"We used to do Ginny's hair when Mum couldn't or wasn't home." George explained embarrassedly.

"Makeup, too, but Mum didn't like that very much." Fred chuckled.

"Awe, go ahead, boys, let loose your inner girls." Lily mocked with a slight laugh.

"Watch it, Potter, I could very well get a pair of scissors." George rolled his eyes.

She narrowed her eyes, "And I could help your start the process of showing your inner girl."

"Whoa, whoa, okay." George laughed.

"Damn, you are feisty." Fred laughed as well before he was, "Done."


"See you later, Ginny." George called, walking out the door.

"Yeah, see you later. The three of us are heading to Quidditch practice." Fred added.

Ginny waved to them goodbye as Lily waved slightly before following the twins down to the common room. Every other member of the team, including Harry, was gathered in the common room, waiting for them.

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