Year 1 | Severus Snape

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HERMIONE GRANGER AWOKE about an hour before the first class of the day was supposed to start

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HERMIONE GRANGER AWOKE about an hour before the first class of the day was supposed to start. Yawning, she sat up in her bed and groggily looked at her bedside table where she placed her favorite photograph of her parents and herself, smiling happily with a Muggle-Born zoo in the background. That was taken on her eleventh birthday. Her parents were both anxious and excited to send her off to the unfamiliar school of magic, and after seeing how set she was on going, they sent her - and they wouldn't regret it.

She climbed out of bed, walked across the room, and drew back the scarlet curtains so that the morning sunshine bathed the room in warm golden light. Her gaze flickered over to the only other occupied bed in the room to see Lily slumbering peacefully. Her wool duvets were pulled over her and her textbooks lay open around her.

"Lily," whispered Hermione as she walked over to her and gently shook her. "Lily, wake up."

Groaning, Lily pulled the duvets over her head and stayed like the for a moment. "Mike, go aw-" Wait, that was a girl's voice. She hastily rubbed her eyes, sat upright, and looked at Hermione.

She smiled at her and quirked an eyebrow. "Mike?"

"My adoptive brother-" She shook her head and waved it off as a big grin graced her lips. It wasn't a wonderful dream. It was real - Diagon Alley, the Express, Hogwarts, the Sorting. And Harry. Harry was real. It was all happily, miraculously, rightfully real. "-I can't believe you're actually real."

"Yes, I'd hope so." She giggled as Lily's smile grew. She had a friend - a girl friend.

"Eight-twenty. Breakfast starts at eight-thirty and then classes at nine." replied Hermione, who grabbed clothes that she had laid out the previous night to change into. "We'd best start the day off right."

Lily made her bed as Hermione changed into her robes in the bathroom. Their new Gryffindor attire - a single scarf, three ties, and a couple of patches that sported the house colors - were neatly laid to rest stop their trunks at the foot of the bed. Lily dressed into a pair of light boyfriend jeans, a simple camoflauge-green top, and slipped on her old pair of black Converse sneakers - they were her favorite. She fixed her patch onto her new inky-black robes and joined Hermione in the bathroom so that she could tame her long auburn tresses.

"You have pretty hair." Hermione frowned as she looked from her to her own frowning reflection in the mirror. Her light brown hair was defiantly frizzy. "My hair is just a mess."

"I'm sure it'll get better as you get older." She reassured her after she managed a comb through hers. Then, she nervously offered, "Would you like me to braid your hair?"

Hermione nodded as if it was the greatest idea she'd ever heard of and Lily took five minutes to plait her hair into an almost-neat French braid.

When she finished, Hermione shrugged on her own robes and pinned them as they left the dormitory and walked down the hallway. As the descended the stairs, Hermione attempted to prolong their small talk. "How did you sleep?"

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