Year 7 | Hope Breeds Eternal Misery

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THESE ARE NO longer the things I wish to understand. When war rages like a hurricane, a treacherous storm, ripping away all everyone knows, why are people left to mourn their losses? If it's going to take down all that is good, why not take everything? Everything or nothing. Why leave people to drown in the oceans of their calamities when they've lost all motivation to swim to what they have left?

When wars push of for months and years at a time, the objective slowly fades away. Did the Dark Lord want immortality or did he want global domination? How could the man be a king if his crown was studded with the jewels of every life he ever took? Torture and death were the comrades of war, they inflicted pain and fear down every path they cross – slowly, unexpectedly – until people start becoming insane with the long intervals of sanity provided to them. What fun was there in torture, in hearing the caterwauling of a mother losing her child, of a man losing a brother, of a friend losing a friend?

The war of 1997 brought hell to Earth – all of the devils were here and they lusted for bloodshed and death. They want to murder children and torture everyone else, they wanted to frown everything in chaos and blood – all for pleasure. In some deep dark void within the open fissures of his heart, Fred Weasley understood. He understood the desire the murder in cold-blood because he wanted every Deatheater, every man and woman who hurt his girlfriend to die slowly and painfully. He wouldn't kill them in her name, she'd hate that, no he would do it in the name of lost love because it fucking hurt.

At first, he laughed. He had fallen for the trickery of his vivid nightmares again because Severus Snape wouldn't have blown his cover to mourn the loss of his beloved goddaughter, not it front of everyone. Minerva wouldn't have fainted – she was too strong. Ginny wouldn't have murdered half a dozen Deatheaters with a single heart-throbbing cry for her lost sister. You can't wake up, you idiot, because this is not a dream. Severus did blow his cover and Minerva did faint. Ginny went wild and Fred dropped to his knees in a blinding, disbelieving anger that threw everyone off of their feet on impact. Let my heart be made of stone or crumble to dust because I cannot handle this pain.

In the near distance, sirens howled into the night as unwanted guests Apparated into Hogsmeade. Snape Disapparated before anyone could realize his treachery and Fred ran out of the Great Hall with George on his heels. Just as he reached the entrance doors, George threw him back into a wall and restrained him as Fred fought against him with stoning tears.

"SHE'S DEAD!" Fred wailed, "LILY'S DEAD!"

"I know, I know!" George cried, holding him back as a group of Deatheaters ran blindly out of the castle in the direction of Hogsmeade. "But you can't get yourself killed, Freddie! We need to see this through – LISTEN TO ME! LILY WOULD WANT US TO FIGHT AND WIN THE WAR! THAT'S WHY SHE DIED!"

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