Year 3 | The Knight Bus

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LILY POTTER II felt as though she was in the heavy, dark clouds,  waiting to fall like rain

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LILY POTTER II felt as though she was in the heavy, dark clouds,  waiting to fall like rain. The hot summer season had passed by quickly for the young witches and wizards waiting to return to Hogwarts School of Witchcaft and Wizardry. Most of them had spent their summer holidays with their families, laughing and enjoying their time off. Lily wasn't one of them.

Harry Potter missed his sister more than words could describe. He missed their talks, their fun times together, and even their fights. He hadn't seen her since the beginning of the summer, when she parted ways with him and the others at Kings Cross Station. Harry and her friends had only received a few letters since.

Harry strolled hopelessly down the road about a mile away from Privet Drive. He had accidentally blown up Vernon's hellish sister, Aunt Marge, after she insulted their mother and Lily. He was not going to let her get away with it, even if Lily wasn't there to hear it. So he unwittingly sent her up into the sky like a big fat human balloon.

Twilight had fallen over Little Whinging. The sky was hued a navy blue and only a few stars spotted the sky. The moon and the occasional street lamps provided Harry with enough light that he could continue on his way. School returned in four days time, so he supposed that he could last that long.

He glanced around, noticing that he had reached the local playground. It was desolate. The swings creaked gently on their rusted chains and a small merry-go-round was kissed by the slight wind, turning slowly. Harry dropped his trunk, which was filled with all of his belongings, and sat down on the curb.

The wind around him began to strengthen and Harry, who was as still as a statue, observed his surroundings once again.

In the trees above him, the leaves trembled. The swings were swaying rapidly and he merry-go-round spun madly. He stiffened as he felt another presence nearby.  Sensing something in the shadows of the trees across the road, he rose to his feet and drew his wand. Then he saw it: the figure, which was darker than the shadows that concealed it, possessed wide, gleaming yellow eyes. The animal-like figure began to advance on him and just as it was about to emerge from the treeline, a familiar voice cut through the night air. The voice was fierce and protective and he knew it anywhere. It was Lily's voice.

The first thing auburn hair, she jumped out of nowhere. She poised her wand and shouted, "REDUCTO!" and with a loud explosion, the creature disappeared.

"Lily!" He was ecstatic.

Before he could scramble up to hug her, a loud honk blared and a preposterously purple, triple-decker bus came racing towards them.

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