Year 4 | The First Task

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     LILY POTTER STAYED awake all night long, with only a few moments of dozing off as she thought about the First Task of the Triwizard Tournament which was that very morning

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     LILY POTTER STAYED awake all night long, with only a few moments of dozing off as she thought about the First Task of the Triwizard Tournament which was that very morning. Despite that, no dark circles appeared under her eyes and she did not let an ounce of fear show on her pretty face. As a matter of fact, she was not frightened or apprehensive of the day's events that were ahead of her; she had decided that it was not worth it. Harry and herself would have to go through with it either way, with one of them had to be the backbone for the other and looking at Harry, she knew she had to be that one.

     The champions and their headmasters had gathered in the large tent set up for them right outside of the Wuiddirch stadium, where the cheers and chatter of the crowd in the bleachers could be heard. As Lily fitted her Quidditch gloves onto her hands, she watched Harry tie the laces to his shoes three times.

     "Nervous, I see." She noticed.

     He began tying the other shoe, "You're not?"

     "Not really." She had shrugged, "I don't see a point when we're going to do it anyway. We need clear minds in order to make it out."

     "I'm too focused on the fact that we're going to face a fire-breathing dragon in the next thirty minutes." He replied.

     "And tying your shoelaces three times will help?"

     "I don't want to trip." He stood up, an embarrassed look on his face.

     She opened her lips to comment, but the two siblings heard a quiet "Psst!" and looked around to see Hermione standing by the tent door, whispering in without looking in.

     "Harry? Lily? Is that you?" She asked. They could hear the worry in her voice.

     "Yeah." Harry and Lily said in unison.

     "How are you feeling? Okay?" She asked and then continued in a low voice, "The key is to concentrate. After that you two just have to..."

     "Battle a dragon." Lily finished with a huff. Unable to stand it, Hermione entered the tent and hugged the twins, which hey gladly returned. Before they pulled away, Albright camera flashed and they looked to see Rita Skeeter standing irritatingly before them.

 Before they pulled away, Albright camera flashed and they looked to see Rita Skeeter standing irritatingly before them

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