Year 5 | Judge Fudge and Loony Lovegood

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Lily Rose Potter was undeniably the daughter of rule-breaker James Potter and clearly had inherited his nerve as she nonchalantly walked through the restricted sections of the Ministry of Magic in pursuit of the courtroom where Harry's hearing would be taking place. Wearing dark jeans, a low collared Navy top and a leather jacket, she definitely looked out of place to those that spotted her.

She loved it.

It was as if absolutely nothing had happened to her the previous night. In fact, everyone else seemed to have been more bothered by it than she was. It was sickening to think that Lily had witnessed her parents' murders through the eyes of the wizard that had done it. However, when the clock struck midnight, she upheld her vow to never be victimized by the Dark Lord ever again. Now, as far as she was concerned, Voldemort had met his match because when he showed her the night of her parents' deaths, he sparked a flame more of fury than misery.

And fire spreads.

Lily paused outside of the door when she saw Percy Weasley pacing back and forth in front of it, seemingly anxious. Percy had graduated from Hogwarts last year and took up a job at the Ministry, following in his father's footsteps. But when he hears that he would be witnessing Harry's trial, even he refused to follow through.

"Lily." He stopped, "You shouldn't be here."

"What are you doing?" questioned the Potter girl.

"I should ask you the same thing." He said in his familiar prefect voice, but at her look, he huffed, "I couldn't be in there. Harry's like a little brother to me, as annoying as he and the rest of mine are."

"Let me in there, Percy."

"I can't--"

"--Percy Weasley, if you do not step aside and allow me to pass, I will set Fred and George on you."

He knew she meant it and he also knew his younger brothers would happily follow through. But it wasn't her threat that convinced him to doing to morally right thing, it was the fact that she and Harry were family. Silently, he stepped aside and Lily nodded once at him before she pushed the door open and barged into the room. Great minds thought alike, it seemed, for Headmaster Albus Dumbledore had done the same thing only second before from the other entrance.

"--Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore."

He was present as a witness and advocate for Harry and Minister Fudge seeme none too happy about it. At the sight of him, Harry lit up in relief but Dumbledore avoided his gaze and instead looked at Lily, who made quite the entrance for herself from the door at the top of the seats in the room. It was quite a grand room, with wooden benches spanning all around in a circular shape, leading up to the judges podium where Fudge sat. Lily hopped down each seat, taking her sweet time as they watched her in astonished silence. When she reached the last one, she sat down and smiled innocently at all of them.

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