Year 7 | The Imperius Curse

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DRACO MALFOY HAD used the Unforgivables as he moved up the ranks in the Dark Lord's legion

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DRACO MALFOY HAD used the Unforgivables as he moved up the ranks in the Dark Lord's legion. Given the choice, he preferred the Killing Curse over the other two – it was quick and painless. He loathed crucios most of all after he witnessed Dolohov used one on a nine-year-old boy. The kid was trying to run to his mother who was suffering the same fate. Then he got an Avada to the back... he didn't even see it coming...

His opinions on the Unforgivables changed when his uncle Rodolphus Lestrange stalked into the room the next morning with a deleterious look on his scarred face and poised his wand in between Lily's eyes. The latter was resting her eyes when he walked in and Draco crawled to the bars, watching with bated breaths. Lily stared defiantly at the man as he crouched to her level and stared.

"Do I look like some fucking exhibit to you?" she spat.

"As a matter o' fact, you do." he twirled his wand between his fingers, sparing Draco a sideways. "My wife is very excited to have her turn with you."

"Tell me," Lily moved closer to him, ignoring the putrid stench of his breath, "Does dear Bella know you've just been using her for a good fuck?"

Rodolphus hissed, "Imperio!" and drew back as Lily snapped back and gritted her teeth. It was like invisible rubber bands were oullinnher in every direction, forcing her to obey, waiting for her to lose the strength to resist. Roldophus gripped his wand so tightly he splintered his hand. He backed away and raised it, forcing her to her feet. Draco watched horrifically as his uncle tried to bend Lily to his will – seeing someone he looked up to struggle under the Unforgivable was sickening.

The tendons in her arms stretched with the pull of the spell and her stomach did a backflip. It was alike a dozen smoke bombs were simultaneously detonating in each part of her mind, clouding her consciousness from the concepts of free will until–

Roldophus lowered his wand and Lily dropped to her knees, taking in ragged breaths. "Say it again, bitch." he kicked the dirt beneath his feet, sending a dust cloud into her face.

"Does it get tiring, putting on that tough guy act in front of Voldemort?–" she coughed.


"–I'll bet anything that behind that scar and facade, you're just a coward." she coughed, glaring up at him. She balled his fists in the dirt under her and ignored Draco's face at the bars behind him. "You hit a woman when she's down because you know that if this was a real duel, I'd show everyone the dastard you really are."

"Imperio!" she clutched her head as the same pulling waves crashed against her, whispering for her to comply. She suppressed a groan as he struck her with another imperio; her minds was boggled between her desires and the compelling of the spell. Her own voice whispered to her, soft and welcoming: your compliance will be rewarded. With a anticipating grin on his face, he crouched to her level and "UGH!" – she spat in his face.

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