Year 4 | The Second Task

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THAT VERY MORNING, when all was still dark and the moonlight was the only thing that illuminated the girls dormitory, Lily Potter who had fallen asleep with a smile on her face only hours ago was turning restlessly in her slumber

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THAT VERY MORNING, when all was still dark and the moonlight was the only thing that illuminated the girls dormitory, Lily Potter who had fallen asleep with a smile on her face only hours ago was turning restlessly in her slumber.

She was back in the old muggle house where the old caretaker had been murdered by Voldemort's killing curse. His body was no where to be found, but Lily still had a view of the same room and the door was ajar just enough for her to see in.

"Let me see it again." The shrill, bone-chilling voice of the Dark Lord spoke up.

A man unfamiliar to Lily, the same from before, rolled his sleeve up to reveal a marking of a snake protruding from the mouth of a hollow skull on his arm, like a tattoo. It was Voldemort's dark mark, the mark of his followers, just like the one casted in the sky the night of the attack at the World Cup.

"Ah yes, the time is close now." Voldemort remained unseen. But he could see her. "Lillian! At last! I just encountered dear Harry only moments ago. Step aside, Wormtail, so I can give our guest a proper greeting!"

Wormtail grinned sickeningly as he pulled the door open and stepped aside. It was not the horror of what lies behind that door that irked Lily, but the pale arm that laid limply on the floor, its owner hidden behind the angle of the wall. Harry? Before the Potter girl could see, Voldemort shouted the killing curse and Lily was thrown out of the nightmare by a blinding flash of green light.

"Lily?" whispered Ginny who sat beside her on her bed, "Lily, wake up!"

Lily jolted awake and took in her surroundings. When she saw the Weasley girl looming over her, she sighed and propped herself up onto her elbows.

"Ginny." She looked at her.

"You were thrashing around." Ginny told her, "Bad dream?" Lily nodded, to which she continued, "I get them too, sometimes. Usually I find myself back in the Chamber of Secrets, doing all of those terrible things...seeing Tom Riddle..."

At the pang of guilt that flash across Lily's face, she waved it off, "You looked really pretty tonight at the ball."

"Thanks." Lily smiled weakly, "So did you. Did you just get back?"

Ginny nodded, "Neville was really sweet. We danced even after everyone left."

"He is." She nodded, "I'm sure you made his night."

Ginny smiled and nodded, "Well, goodnight, Lily. See you in a few hours."

"Yeah." replied Lily, "See you."

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