Year 3 | Pins and Needles

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A STITCH OF LIGHTNING streaked across the dark gray skies as the Quidditch teams soared through the dank air on their broomsticks, pushing through the heavy rain in attempts to end the game

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A STITCH OF LIGHTNING streaked across the dark gray skies as the Quidditch teams soared through the dank air on their broomsticks, pushing through the heavy rain in attempts to end the game. Thunder crackled and boomed overhead as lightning struck one of the golden Quidditch ring and the clouds bloom with icy blue light, of which can Lily dodged by a few yards.

She's rather not be struck by lightning.

Far below, in the stands, rain lashed the sea of umbrellas and as one flew free, soaring end over end into the sky, the crowd exploded. Two Quidditch squads, Gryffindow in scarlet and Hufflepuff in Canary-yellow, ripped though the muggy air. Lily flee idly in front of the three golden hoops, dodging most of the attempts made by the other team to score. Harry rose like a pocket thought the misf on his broomstick and his robes snapped violently in the wind as he flew with the rain falling like needles before him. Every dark cloud concealed potential dangers, and they chaos did not cease there as beaters cross-crossed his path. A bludger whizzed past, then a second one rocketed directly at him and SWOOP! Harry ducked and watched the broom shatter the broom of a Hufflepuff beater. The beater went into a wild spiral and vanished in the mist.

"We shouldn't be playing in these conditions!" Lily shouted.

"Tell that to the Professors!" George shouted back.

In the stands, Ron squinted upward, the players little more than streaking blurs from his vantage. KA-SSSST! a stitch of lightning strikes the tail of Angelina Johnson's broom and as it bursted into flames, she plummeted towards the pitch. Lily was filled with rage at the fact that the teachers allowed them to play in the weather.

"That's it!" She shouted angrily. In one swift, quick motion she abandoned her post and swooped down, catching

Angelina by the back of her robes just as she was only feet away from making impact with the ground. Lily set her down to the side of the field and soar back up to her position where the opposing team had just scored, or at least, what was left of it. Ron, standing beside Hermione, Ginny and Sloane in the highly-charged air, looked down at his own hand and saw the hair above his knuckles rising. In the sky, Harry flew fearlessly in search of the golden snitch as Bludgers pierced he clouds above him and Chasers flitted in and out of view far below.

Suddenly, in the stands opposite, a black umbrella flew from the hand of a Ravenclaw girl and for a moment, it sailed wondrously through the the heavy air, a Magritte dream. Then WHOOP! WHOOP! it abruptly picked up speed, rotating like a hatchet and Harry had ducked, turned, and then watched it disappear into a bank of clouds. Then, something glimmered a little ways away from him: the snitch. Instantly, he jetted off after it, closing fast on the tiny, glimmering ball, chasing through one cloud, then another, then another, and another until he broke into a clear patch of sky, only the find the snitch was gone.

Angrily, Harry whipped the Nimbus back around, searching the horizon frantically, when he spied something. In the stadiums highest tower, something enormous flicker briefly in silhouette, then is obscured by a veils of mist. Harry turned and in the distanced the stray umbrella spun into view, harpooned a player and his eyes shifted, when he saw the snitch as it shimmered like a firefly in the dark underbelly of a cloud. As Harry began to go, that was when all hell broke loose. Lily watched the scene unfold and she screamed. She screamed louder than the roaring thunder or the falling rain. She screamed louder than the fading cheers of the crowd.

She screamed her brother's name. "HARRY!" With desperate speed, the girl gripped her broom and soared steeply up into the air. The crowd gasped and the professors in their tower all stood, watching as the girl went after her brother who would be in imminent danger in only seconds.

"LILY!" Fred shouted but she did not turn back. She pierced through the thick clouds and then, to everyone in the field and stadium below, the twins disappeared. Lily caught up to Harry just at the veil of mist shrouding the high towered shifted and for one brief moment, a great dog was revealed in the mist. As it closed again, a thin glaze of ice clouded his glasses and he wiped at them.

"Harry!" Lily shouted, "Dementors!" They both flinched and blood trickled down Lily's cheek — the rain was literally turning into needles of ice. Harry glanced at the handle of his broomstick and saw the water sluicing though the grain was freezing. Vapor streamed from their mouthes and noses and then SWOOSH! a dark silhouette passed on their right. They turned again and SWOOSH! a twin silhouette passed on their left, but they saw neither. They looked down and saw the layers of mist parting below, then lightning struck and an army of silhouettes drifted into the pitched below them -- a vast legion of them.


Suddenly, the Potter twins heard a whistle sound but then as it traveled to the height they were located in, they realized it was not a whistle at all, but the vaguely familiar scream of a woman. Harry and Lily's eyes fluttered and wisps of silvery light began to float from their mouthes. Harry's glasses glazed over completely and his fingers, rigid, could no longer grip the broom and....

He fell.

A screamed erupted from her lips – it was a scream that was worse than only moments ago, it was a scream so intense that no one could decipher the emotions laced within it. How could they? She was watching her twin brother as he plummeted through the air, getting farther and farther from her with every millisecond. She soared after him and the crowd finally watch the famous twins come into view. When they realized what was happening, everyone jumped up from their seats.

"No!!!" Hermione screamed for their friends. Harry, in a free fall, dropped through one cloud, then another, plummeting through the circling Dementors. The altitude and freezing temperature was too much for Lily and she, too, fell off of her broom just as she grabbed a hold of her dear brother. She held onto him with all of her might and even after she blacked out in mid-air, she still held on. Just as the twins were making their way towards the ground, a tall figure arose from the crowd. Everyone's hearts leapt as the authoritative man raised an open hand towards the heavens, his eyes angry but clear.


He shouted words that were indecipherable, but an explosion that was more powerful than than thunder, rocked the air. A flash, more fierce than lighting, shocked the sky. And as Dumbledore saved the Potter twins from the deadly descent everyone watching that day was astonished by the fact that  Lily risked her life to save her brother without so much as a second thought, as if she would die if she ever lost him. Oh, but they did not understand that she very well would have. Like mother, like daughter, they all supposed. However, it was so much more than that. Harry James Potter and Lillian Rose Potter were connected in ways no one else could understand. Those closest to them all knew that if Lily had the chance to do those vital moments all over again, she would do it all the exact same way, even if it ended with her mangled body on the ground, as would he. Would a monster do that? Would a monster, like she believed herself to be, feel that way? Oh, but who was to say? After all, the worst of monsters are those that walk among others in the light.

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