Year 7 | Severus and Lily

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         EVERYTHING IN THIS reality seemed colorful and whole; the grass was at its greenest, the skies were at their blueest, happiness and excitement was in the air, for today would be the day that a lonely little boy made a friend

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         EVERYTHING IN THIS reality seemed colorful and whole; the grass was at its greenest, the skies were at their blueest, happiness and excitement was in the air, for today would be the day that a lonely little boy made a friend. As the scene completed itself before her, Lily walked down the slope of a grassy hill and drew nearer to two little girls as they tried to catch butterflies. The first girl seemed to be two or three years older than the other, with pin-straight blonde hair and brown eyes that searched the air around her for a winged creature. The second girl had vibrant auburn hair and almond-shaped green eyes that shone brightly in the rays of sunlight that beamed down on them. Lily Potters suddenly realized who these two girls were: Petunia and Lily Evans, her aunt and mother.

         As young Lily Evans spotted a butterfly and jumped up to catch it, she tripped over her own two feet and fell in the grass. Lily Potter was too overwhelmed by the sight of her mother, by how similar they both looked at that age, to notice a pair of eyes watching the girls from a nearby shrub. Frowning, Lily Evans picked a budding flower from the ground and presented it to her sister as she got to her feet. The budding flower floated an inch over her hand and blossomed into a pretty white daisy right before their very eyes. This didn't surprise young Lily Evans, who could always do things that she could explain. But her sister Petunia was a different story....

         "FREAK!" she shrieked. Lily closed her palm and stalked away from her sister with a deep frown lining her young face. "Come here! I'm gonna tell mommy! You're freak!"

         Lily Evans began to run away with tears pooling in her eyes and Petunia followed relentlessly, "You're freak, Lily! Come here!"

        Both girls halted in their tracks as a young boy emerged from the shrubs, brushing leaves from his oversized, battered clothes. He had black hair that hung to his chin, a hooked nose and dark eyes that surveyed the girls. This was eleven-year old Severus Snape. Lily Potter gaped at the state of him; he looked malnourished and neglected with his clothes and scrawny figure.

           Petunia gaped and backed away from him, "H-Have you been spying on us?! Get out of here! Go!"

          But young Severus stayed in his place, having eyes only for Lily Evans as she stared curiously at him. Indignant, Petunia marched off, "Fine, Lily! You belong with the freaks anyway!"

          Lily Evans hastily wiped her eyes as she stared at the boy and dropped the broken flower in the grass. Severus bent down, picked up a three-leaf clover and placed it in his palm. He lifted his hand and the clover levitated in the air, closing the distance as it landed in Lily's own hand. She smiled and he smiled back. They were both special.

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