Year 1 | Phoenix Tears

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MAGIC DOESN'T EXIST. That rule of life was important to know in the Denver household and Lily knew only how to live by it. There's no such thing as magic wands or potions or spells – because it is not normal and anything that isn't normal is toxic. But as Lily soared through the morning sky in the passenger seat of Hagrid's bewitched motorcycle, everything she was ever forced to believe in changed.

As they descended onto the Muggle streets, she wondered how the Muggles weren't noticing them. Just how you haven't, she thought.

Hagrid staggered off of the motorcycle and helped her out. They walked up the dreary street and approached a pub with a dilapidated brick storefront. The top of Hagrid's head brushed against a chipped sign that read The Leaky Cauldron hung above the doorway the interior as he opened the door. The alcove within was just as drab as the outside. The randomly arranged wooden tables had stains from old spilled drinks and the brown leather booths lining the back of the room had stuffing and springs sticking out of the seats. The ragged people sitting at them looked no better.

An aged man with salt-and-pepper hair and a scruffy beard looked up from wiping down a table and greeted them. "Hello, Hagrid. The usual?"

"Oh, no thanks, Tom." Under Hagrid's bristly beard, he flushed as red as a tomato. "I'm on business at the moment," then he beamed proudly, "Here to bring Lillian Potter to Hogwarts."

Lily had a feeling that Hagrid was being loud intentionally because as soon as he said it, the low buzzing and chatter fell silent. Every head turned to get a good look at her and when they saw her auburn hair and brilliant green eyes – just as the books described her to be as a baby – everyone stared. Then just as quickly, most of them scrambled to their feet to meet her personally.

"Pleasure to meet you!" said one old woman with one tooth as she eagerly shook her hand.

"Lillian Potter, oh my!" a squeaky-voiced man exclaimed as she pushed her aside to shake Lily's hand himself.

"The Girl Who Lived!" exclaimed another.

"The one who defeated He Who Must Not Be Named!"

"Pleasure!" said a man, "Pleasure!"

One by one, the crowd of people shook her hand as she stood awkwardly in her place with Hagrid beaming down at her. If Minerva and Hagrid hadn't told Lily she was a legend in their world, she would have believed these people were either completely mad or overly friendly. After the first woman moved to shake her hand again, Lily grinned awkwardly and looked at Hagrid as if to say get me out of this. Understanding, he guided her away from the crowd and led her over to a corner table in the back so that no one would bother them any longer. Tom the bartender brought a goblet of water for Lily and large tankard for the giant.

As he gulped down his water, Lily sat back in her chair and drew in a deep breath. It was any girl's dream to discover that magic was real and that she could wield it, but her dream was to find family – someone who would really care about her – and now she had a chance at it. She could ask questions about magic and potions and cute wizards later. She wanted to know about her brother.

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