Year 3: A Wrinkle Back in Time

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     'You are nothing.'

     'Weak is what you are.'

     'You're evil, dark in the very core of yourself, and you don't even know it.
The worst part is, you try to resist it.'

      'And to think that Fred could
ever love a monster like you.'

     WAS LILY POTTER a monster? Everyone thought monsters to be scaly creatures or foul beasts, people who dedicated their lives to bringing out the pain and suffering in others; monsters like Voldemort and like his followers. Was Lily a monster? She had controlled a loathsome basilisk that only a dark wizard should have been able to influence. She had attacked one of her fellow professors, physically wrapped her hands around Snape's throat, and had not even realized it until she had almost succeeded. She had coldly threatened Draco Malfoy and they both knew the threat would not end in a prank pulled by Lily like two years ago; it would end in injuries. When had Lily become that person...?

     A monster.

     But Lily had protected her friends and brother on countless occasions over the last three years. She had faced Voldemort in the flesh and she had helped to kill the basilisk that would have murdered countless Hogwarts students, also destroying Tom Riddle along the way. She put many others before herself quite a few times this year and never had she complained of it once. She had run into a swarm of deadly Dementors just to protect her brother and godfather....

     Then how did that make her a monster?

     'You are loved.'

     'You can do anything.'


     'Even in the dark times, you'll
have a piece of me with you.'

     Lily Potter sat down in a chair beside Harry's beside in the empty hospital wing, hugging her knees as her head rested on the tops of them. Ron laid in the bed across from Harry, his leg wrapped in a cast from the wound that Sirius had given him whilst he dragged him into the Shrieking Shack by his dog teeth. Hermione sat with Lily and the three conscious friends remained silent as they awaited for Harry to regain consciousness. It had been only two hours since the ordeal with the Dementors, but it felt as thought it were forever for Lily.

     As Lily wallowed deep within her thoughts, Hermione stared out of a large paned window, consumed by her thoughts, as well. She recalled a conversation that Snape and Dumbledore had, which she had listened in on. Snape told Dumbledore of Lily's noble and idiotic sacrifice when she ran into the swarm of Dementors and that he himself would have hesitated, but she did not. As Hermione looked at Lily, she could not help but wonder if she was trying to prove something, whether it be to herself, or to others.  Lily lifted her head and looked at Hermione. The Granger girl had expected to see a look of dread on her face, but instead, she saw an expression of pure determination.

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