Year 2 | The Purple Prank

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"I'M GOING TO KILL THOSE GRYFFINDORS!" Pansy Parkinson screeched as the entirety of Slytherin house awoke with enraged shrieks and cries. Everything from the dormitories to the common room was covered in purple paint, thanks to the Weasley Three's new invention – Purple-whirple Colorbombs.

Fred, George and Lily hid behind a tapestry next to the Slytherin dungeons and muffled their laughter as they heard the ruckus going on within the common room through the walls. This had to be their best prank to date.

"MY FATHER WILL HEAR ABOUT THIS!" It did not take much thought to know who shouted that.

The wonderful prank of vengeance began just before dawn when the Weasley twins and Lily Potter met in their empty common room. Fred had the purple color bombs, George had the leftover Polyjuice Potion and Lily had her wand – and an awesome idea.

"Psst." Lily shook Harry in attempts to wake him up. She was supposed to meet the twins in two minutes. "Psst! Harry!" Her brother opened his eyes groggily and groaned when he saw the sky was still dark outside. He sat up and fumbled for his glasses. Lily gave them to him and after he placed them on his face, he looked at her.

"What is it?"

"I need to borrow your invisibility cloak."


She raised an eyebrow, "Do you really want to know?"

"Probably not–"

"–The twins and I are going to set our yearly prank in motion. I have my ring," she wiggled her ring finger, "But they need the cloak." She knew Fred and George were trustworthy enough to use the cloak. After all, it wasn't the most peculiar item they had used...

"How big is it?"

She grinned, "Big."

"It's in my trunk." He gestured. She opened his trunk and grabbed the cloak which was neatly folded inside. "Thank, big brother." He nodded. Just as she was about to slip back out of the room, Ron – who was pretending to sleep – called out to her.

"Oi, Lily!" he whispered. She turned back to him and he reached over to his nightstand and opened his drawer. Grabbing a particularly large camera, he tossed it to her and shut the drawer. It was the type of camera where they could dip the photos in the animation potion. "Take a picture for me."

"Ronald, you snoop!"

He shrugged and grinned sheepishly, "I'm related to Fred and George."

She chuckled slipped out of their dormitory. She tip-toed through the halls and bolted down the stairs to meet Fred and George as they sat by the unlit fireplace, scheming. "Did you get the stuff? She asked them. George held up the polyjuice potion that was left over from Hermione's brew and Fred held up their newly-invented Purple-Whirple color bombs.

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