Year 3 | The Firebolts

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      THE VERY NEXT morning did not involve rogue werewolves or time traveling, but it was hectic, in its own way

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      THE VERY NEXT morning did not involve rogue werewolves or time traveling, but it was hectic, in its own way. The Whomping Willow swayed in a light breeze and the Black Lake shimmered, clouds drifting in its glassy mirror, while within the castle, everyone was gathered in the great hall for breakfast. It was the students second-to-last day at Hogwarts that year, so everyone was spending their last hours with each other; all except for Harry and Lily who found themselves walking softly though the Dark Arts classroom in pursuit of Lupin's office. They ascended the steps and peered into the room to see Lupin packing the last of his books into a suitcase. Without turning, he spoke.

      "Hello, Harry, Lily." Harry jumped and Lupin turned, smiling through haggard red.

     "Wolfy hearing?" Lily raised an eyebrow.

      He chuckled, "I saw you two coming."

     The entire office was bare of the man's personal items, for it was all packed away into suitcases. The marauders map laid unfolded on the otherwise bare desktop. They nodded as look at Lupin, both of them unable to disguise their at Lupin's appearance.

     He saw the looks on their faces and reassured them, "I've looked worse, believe me."

      Harry eyed the open desk drawers and the bare bookshelves and looked back at Lupin with a dreaded expression

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      Harry eyed the open desk drawers and the bare bookshelves and looked back at Lupin with a dreaded expression. "You've been sacked."

     "Resigned, actually." He shook his head.

     "Resigned!" Lily exclaimed.

     "But why!" Harry exclaimed as well.

     "It seems that someone has let slip the nature of my condition." He sighed, closing the trunk.

     "Snape." Harry scowled.

     "Whoever." He smiled wryly, "It was bound to get out. This time tomorrow, the owls will start arriving. Parents will not want a -- someone like me -- teaching their children."

     "But Dumbledore --" Harry objected.

     "--Has already risked enough on my behalf." Lupin cut in, "Besides, people like me, well... let's just say I'm used to this by now. But before I go, tell me about your Patronuses."

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