Year 1 | Haunting Desires

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          CHRISTMAS AT HOGWARTS was fantastical

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          CHRISTMAS AT HOGWARTS was fantastical. For once in Lily and Harry Potter's lives, they found themselves excited for Christmas time. It had come so quickly that even Lily, who had drowned herself in schoolwork, was appalled by how the time had passed. It seemed like it was just yesterday that Lily had found out about Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and now she was going to be celebrating Christmas with people close enough to call family. Lily had only ever received old socks and shirts that were too small for Mike and Mitchell, the Denver children, as they were too stalky. Harry, unfortunately, faced the same thing on Christmas every year.

           "It's sad to say that you were quite lucky." grumbled Harry as he competed with Ron in Wizard Chess. "I've only ever gotten Uncle Vernon's old socks."

           They were seated in the Great Hall, which was decorated with dozens of Christmas trees and hanging from their many branches were colorful ornaments and tinsel. The sky, as it was nearing nighttime, resembled the twilight sky, speckled with tiny white stars. Hermione Granger walked down the aisle of the Gryffindor house table dragging a suitcase behind her. She would be returning home for the holidays to celebrate and spend time with her parents.

          Hermione watched Ron as he contemplated his next move on the chess board, "Queen to E-5."

         And as he commanded, the Queen chess piece glided accordingly across the board and smashed Harry's knight into bits.

          Hermione blanched, "That's totally barbaric!"

           "That's wizard's chess." Ron smiled pridefully. Seeing as he was going to win, he turned towards her as Harry contemplated his next move. "I see you've packed."

          "I see you haven't."

          "Change of plans." shrugged Ron, "My parents decided to go to Romania to visit my brother, Charlie. He's studying dragons there."

          It required another explanation from Fred and George, but she soon figured out their were seven Weasley children. Bill and Charlie were the eldest sons who had already graduated from Hogwarts. Percy followed as the third eldest, and then the  twins, with Fred being only two minutes older than George. Ron was the second youngest and their only sister, Ginevra, was the youngest as she was a year younger than Ron. Lily loved that they had such a big and happy family; despite some of them being distanced from each other.

         "Good." she replied, "You can help Harry and Lily, then. They're going to go the library for information on Nicholas Flamel."

           Ron huffed, "We've looked a hundred times!"

            "Not in the Restricted Section." she replied knowledgeably. The other three all glanced at each other and she then said,  "Happy Christmas. I'll write to you, Lily."

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