Year 7 | Dobby the Guardian Angel

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ONE WEEK. SEVEN peaceful, hopeful days passed after Christmas Eve and the new year had begun and with it, hope for new beginnings faded away. The weak and the hopeless made resolutions to abandon all they knew for a better, safer life away from the reign of the Dark Lord. Deep down, Lily understood why they would, but she resented it. She and the rebels were not putting their lives on the line for them to run away and hide.

George had made no attempt to contact Lily through the insignia link and she tried like hell to do it from her end, but it worked to no avail. Either he really didn't want to talk to her or something horrible had happened to him....She pushed the horrors thoughts from her mind. She was going to get George and Draco back. Lily was done feeling like a victim in this war. This was her war and she knew exactly which side she was on; it would be the winning side. She owed that to everyone who had lost their lives for the cause.

She looked at her reflection in the mirror and tied her long hair up. If only her enemies could see her now, smiling in spite of the hardships. The Dark Lord had no clue who he was messing with; with vengeance in her eyes, determination on her face and love in her heart, she would startle the monsters that could stop his hollowed, shriveled heart. She exited the bathroom and sat down on the bed as Fred casted a muffiato on the bedroom and crawled onto the bed.

"Kiss me," he pleaded. She obliged and planted a soft kiss on his lips, but his body ached for more. He leaned in and connected his lips with her; it was a collision of cold and warmth, their soft lips moving in sync. "I love you."

"I love you."

Everyone was already fast asleep, but that was to be expected at two in the morning. He pulled his shirt off over his head and discarded it on the floor, revealing his toned muscles and bare skin. She traced her fingers down his front as he unhooked her bra and discarded it. He rolled over and pulled her on top of him, kissing her desperately, achingly, as they discarded what clothing remained.

Fred meant what he said to her that night in the graveyard and he wanted to prove that he was more than just words. He was planning a perfect scenario in his mind, a scenario that he had been building on for months now. He wanted it to happen under a blanket of night and shining stars, with fireworks and sweet champagne, with passionate kisses and carefree laughter. It was many years ago that he realized she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen and it took only her laughter for him to realize that beauty was the least of her. He was going to ask her, but fate decided to give him this night only.

It was skin on skin and a warmth that could only be shared in the heat of the moment, a passionate and intimate moment shared by young lovers. They were closer than ever, as close as any human being could be to another, and it was for that night only that their worries washed away. And a little while later, when Fred had fallen fast asleep, Lily lifted her head from her pillow and admired his sleeping form. She brushed his red hair from his face and smiled at his closed eyes, at how a soft whistling escaped that little gap in his lips as he exhaled, and at how his chest rose and fell evenly. He was her everything and that's why she had to do this.

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