[epilogue: five years later]

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E p i l o g u e
Five Years Later...

Our story binds us
Like right and wrong
Your hand in mine
Marching to the beat of the storm

And we walk together into the light
And my love will be your armor tonight
We are Lionhearts...

- Lionhearts by Demi Lovato.

LILY POTTER-WEASLEY was unpleasantly awoken by her daughter's enthusiastic shrieking and received a face-full of wild red curls as she jumped onto her and shook her with her little hands, "MOMMY! MOMMY, WAKEY WAKEY!" Lily groaned and looked over at the alarm clock sitting on her bedside table: it was exactly five o'clock in the morning. This kid had too much of her DNA.

"Molly Hermione, it is five o'clock in the morning. I don't have to be up for another tw-" she looked from her daughter's innocently smiling face to her hands, which were covered in purple goop, "-Why are your hands purple?"

The three-year old giggled at her and shrugged. Fred appeared in the doorway and crossed his arms with a small smile on his face, "That is a very good question." he scooped his daughter up and threw her onto his shoulders as she squealed, "I think Miss Molly may have figured out how to get into my stash of color-bomb materials."

As much as wanted to berate her, the words of discipline never reached her lips as Molly gave her the puppy dog look. There was something about her big blue eyes that always melted Lily's heart - the girl could get away with almost anything with them.

"Why is she up so early?" she yawned, climbing out of bed. She moaned dreadfully, "Oh, please don't tell me she woke Sev up." Severus Knox was two-years old and he was just getting over colics so he still basically cried all of the time. It took Lily two hours to get him to fall asleep last night. Mrs. Weasley laughed sympathetically when she and Arthur came over to spend time with the kids. Apparently Fred had it when he was a baby, too - it was the only way she could tell them apart back then.

Fred shook his head, knowing what a disaster that would be, "No, he's still sleeping."

"Mommy, I wanna come with you to Hoggywars." Molly pouted as Fred dropped her onto the bed.

Lily frowned and climbed onto the bed, laying down on her stomach. Molly mimicked her. She smiled softly, "Maybe once I'm settled in, darling. But for now, you have to stay home with daddy and your brother."

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