Year 6 | The Swan Dive

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      Lily Potter stood at the top of the Astronomy tower with the wind blowing her hair back as it tried desperately to dry the tears cascading down her cheeks. But to no avail, the tears continued to fall like a waterfall, drowning her with despair and blinding her with pain. She could hear everything perfectly; the dueling down below, her friends trying to get through to the topmost level of the tower, the crackling of the flames that engulfed Hagrid's home, the explicit screams of her brother as he ran towards vengeance....and it was all because of him...he who she trusted with everything....

         And she couldn't breathe, she couldn't grieve the loss of the man who was still alive, the man who had killed her mentor. Lily couldn't look down, for though as far down as the descent may seem, she knew Albus Dumbledore's body would lay on the ground at the very bottom, mangled, broken, dead.... Harry was right, she never should have trusted the man and because she did, he used her trust as a weapon against herself and those she loved. This wasn't the attack on the Burrow, this wasn't Sirius' death or Cedric's -- she could hear herself screaming this time, sobbing, gasping, crying.

       Severus Snape broke her heart.

       No...he did much worse than that. For years, she allowed him to take up a part of her heart and tonight, he reached into her chest and gripped his cold fingers around it. Not yet did she realize his intentions, his treachery, not until her heart was ripped from her chest and thrown off the tower along with the limp body of Albus Dumbledore. How could he? After years of caring for her, of protecting her, how could he betray her?

       Why couldn't she move?

        She was frozen on the spot just at the edge of the tower, where the railing had broken off when Dumbledore fell backwards....the wind pushed her back, urging her not to do what her heart was screaming for her to do. She always loved and protected, cared for and sacrificed, and she always thought that the love would be returned. Treachery and betrayal was the last thing she could ever expect, it was a wounding blow. Lily just wanted the pain to end.

        The door to where she stood was blasted off of its hinges, it went over the railing and made the jealous of it she was. The scuffle of footsteps told her there was more than one person there, more than one friend. If they were foes, she would have been blasted off of the tower along with the door....And even though she did not turn to face them, she knew Fred was not among them -- he would have snatched her from the edge before the door passed the railing. And yet, in her peripheral vision, she could see the vivid red hair of a Weasley....but who?

       "Lily!" called out said Weasley, "Lily, I need you to get away from there!"

        "I can't do that, Bill."

        "I know you're in pain....I can't imagine how you feel and I won't pretend to..." began Bill, "But don't let it ruin you, Lily. Don't let everything anyone has ever done for you and for your brother be in vain!"

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