Year 4 | Of Forgotten Lore

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      UNLIKE THEIR COMPANIONS Hermione and Ron, Lily and Harry had to admit that they liked the Forbidden Forest

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UNLIKE THEIR COMPANIONS Hermione and Ron, Lily and Harry had to admit that they liked the Forbidden Forest. And it was not only because Lily loved breaking the rules and 'Forbidden' had her name all over it. The Forbidden Forest was the home for creatures many would not even think of, and even some of them remain undiscovered. Thick green foliage brushed Lily's ankles as they strolled through the vast woods with Hagrid, who had suggested they come along as Fang ran into the woods after something.

"I remember when I first met you all. Biggest bunch of misfits I've ever set eyes on."

He could remember messy-haired Harry as he learned to adjust to a world of magic and all of its wonders. Lily as she found her true-calling in pranking alongside the Weasley twins, just like her father and godfather. Hermione as she excelled in every class and was always there to give her input or a lick of knowledge. And Ron, oh Ron, the awkward boy who feared spiders to death but had a brave and kind heart like his parents. Hagrid smiled, "Always reminded me of myself a little. And here we all are, four years later."

"We're still misfits." objected Ron.

"Maybe. But we've all got each other." smiled the friendly giant, who took his eyes off of following Fang for just a moment so he could host about the twins, "Soon to be the youngest! Tri-Wizard champions there's ever been! Hooray!"

Harry and Lily flushed red and Hagrid patted them on the back, almost causing them to trip over the roots of the trees that seemed to protrude everywhere.

"I wonder what the last task will be." thought Hermione aloud, "I mean, the first and second were nothing alike."

"Meaning you can't even think of what it's going to be." Ron pitched in, "But, c'mon, it's going to be crazy. The first task? Harry and Lily were almost eaten by a dragon."


"And today, Lily was almost turned into stew."

"Ugh," she made a sour face, "Thank you, Ronald, for that lovely image."

He smiled sheepishly and shrugged, "At least one good thing came out of it."

"That is...?" queried Harry.

"Fleur Delacour." said Lily in a singsong voice, mocking their friend.

"Hey, I don't appreciate the mockery."

They laughed and Hermione began to hum the Hogwarts song as they walked along. As they began to go deeper than they ever had before, Fang the bloodhound howled into the misty air as it grew denser with every yard. Harry was the first to go down, bracing himself against a tree as his scar burned on his forehead. Lily followed not a second second later, swearing as she clutched just behind her ear, the searing pain just as bad.

"Harry?" Hagrid looked at the boy and then to Lily.

"What's going on?" asked Hermione, "Your scars, they're--?"

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