Year 4 | Remembering Cedric Diggory

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IN A SULLEN state of mind, Lily Potter sat on the top floor of the tallest tower in the castle, where she had been only weeks ago

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IN A SULLEN state of mind, Lily Potter sat on the top floor of the tallest tower in the castle, where she had been only weeks ago. The cool summer breeze kissed her bare skin, for it was the first day she had not worn a long-sleeved top to hide her forearm, bound with bandages. Lily found that up there, away from the pitiful or hostile gazes of others, she was at peace. The sorrow held thick in the air as Cedric Diggory's memorial was set to take place at noon.

"As the days went on...I thought I was just coming out here, seeking comfort in what didn't exist." spoke Lily as she stared down at her hands, "But after that night in the graveyard...after seeing you both....I know you have been watching over us since the very beginning."

She stood up and walked over to the railing, looking out over the scenery that the height allowed. In the distance, Hogsmeade village could be seen, desolate of any moving life. To the north stood the Forbidden forest in all of its dark depths and of course, Hagrid's hut on the bare pumpkin patch.

"I know now that we will have our good and bad days. And I know that we will have many more bad days to come....that I know." She continued, "I don't know Voldemort's next move, and whether it involves him or not, I also know that I'll probably get myself nearly killed a few times in the future..."

She laughed then but her smile soon turned back to her sullen expression.

"I used to fear myself... my similarities between myself and Voldemort for that I might turn out like he did. But I know now that I am nothing like him...and although I know that, my insecurity will still remain. After all of this, however, I've learned from many of those I call family that maybe to be fragile...means to be strong." She licked her dry lips, "How ever this may turn out in the end, I know that in some way, shape or form, you both will be by our sides and that's all that I need to keep myself going."

Lily walked back towards the spiral stairs and began to descend them. When she reached the main corridor, she stood against the stone wall and watched everyone else enter the Great Hall, their heads bowed in silent respect and sorrow for the lost comrade and friend. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley stood outside of the Great Hall and spotted the Potter girl. The made their way over to her and when they reached her, Lily met their eyes and gave them a wry smile.

"Just like your beautiful mother, you are." Mrs. Weasley smiled sadly, "There's no need to smile for us, dear. It's a sad day and you, among few others so close to Cedric, have hearts heavy with that loss."

"I can't help but replay it in my mind." sighed Lily, brushing her hair back with her fingers. "Over and over."

Mrs. Weasley nodded and frowned, caressing the face of the beautifully troubled girl of whom she considered her daughter.

"Cedric was only ever kind to me. I met him only days after my first day here. He smiled at me in the halls." She then smiled a little, "There was this one time in our second year where I clocked Draco Malfoy in the face and he complimented me on my ability to stick up for others, calling me 'a Little Lion' because I was in Gryffindor."

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