Year 7 | Promises

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       HARRY POTTER WAS distraught over his sister's capture and he was worried for her safety and the safety of his unborn niece or nephew

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       HARRY POTTER WAS distraught over his sister's capture and he was worried for her safety and the safety of his unborn niece or nephew. Hermione and Ron shared the same concerns after Bill and Fleur returned to Shell Cottage with the recent news of Fred's state of mind and George's physical state.

        "They've gone off to Hogwarts to confront Snape." said Bill as a saddened Fleur walked off to the bathroom to wash up. The trio sat at the kitchen table, yearning for details. "Fred found a slip of paper in Lily's handwriting, he thinks it's a clue and he's gone off to see if she left anymore."

      "What did the paper say?" queried Ron. He beat himself over Lily's surrender for days now. Back in the woods a few months ago when they sat in the tent and talked about Fred and Snape, he should've known about her plan. And when they helped the Slytherins defect, when they found out about George...he should've stopped her from heading to the Burrow. He should've known.

        Bill could never forget the riddle,"The dolphin swims in a fortnight." he sighed and sat down, "Fred thinks she was referring to August."

      "She might've." Hermione nodded, recalling the time when they trained as Dumbledore's Army and Harry taught them how to cast patronuses. Very few of them managed to form a corporeal patronus and August was one of them. On August's dozenth time, a wispy dolphin erupted from the tip of his wand in a magnificent cluster of Magic. A grin spread across his face and the beautiful Patronus reflect in his ocean blue eyes... "His Patronus was a dolphin. I remember seeing it when we were training as Dumbledore's Army."

Harry's heart only sunk deeper into his stomach at the recollection of his godbrother, "What does August have to do with it?"

"Fred seemed to think we all have two weeks until You-Know-Who attacks, two weeks until Lily either fights back up." Bill replied, sparing them no details. "In two weeks, August is going to show up. The twins wanted to think that maybe he knows where she is and once he gets wind of her capture, he'll find her..."

       "Why do you keep saying Fred thinks? Don't you know anything?!" Harry snapped. Bill was offended; he understood how the boy felt – when George was taken, he could barely eat. Harry hit his head with his hands and sighed, "I'm sorry. I'm just....scared for her."

       "Lily can hold her own, mate." Ron clapped him reassuringly on the back, "She's proven that over and over."

      "You don't get it, Ron. Every time we've faced Voldemort, we've been side by side. Have you ever seen Lily face Voldemort first, on her own, unless it was to save me or get me out of harm's way?" Harry huffed, "Lily's a lot of talk and yeah, she's got power, but if it comes down to her and Voldemort...." No one wanted to face the horrible truth even if it was stating them in the face. He shook his head, "I can just sit around and wait for something bad to happen. We've got to make sure she didn't do this for nothing."

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