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The ones with the power
to vanquish the Dark
Lord approaches...

Born to those who have
thrice defied him, born as
the seventh month dies...

and the Dark Lord will
mark them as his equals,
but they will have power
the Dark Lord knows not...

and either must die at the
hand of the other for none can
live while the other survives...

The ones with the power
to vanquish the Dark
Lord will be born as the
seventh month dies....

EVERYONE REMEMBERED THE thunderstorm which swept over Godric's Hallow on Halloween night in 1981. The rain fell as the clouds wept at the events to come and the thunder crashed as the dark sky screamed for the unknowing young family who were destined to fall that night. The harsh winds brought down dozens of large oak trees and many of the decorations were swiped away by the mist as it threw its tantrum. Looking back on it now, it may seem as though the young Potter family - a household of four - had an inkling as to what was coming their way. At least, Lily Potter did...

The Potter house was fenced off from the rest and it was the only house not decorated for Halloween, much to Lily's dismay. But she knew that this Halloween night was not a day of fun, but a day of fear, just like the rest. The only thing that really dulled that fear was knowing that not a single trick-or-treater - or anyone else, for that matter - could pass through the protective Fidelius Charm cast over the property. It was as if the house wasn't even there.

James and Lily Potter sat in the living room of their cozy two-story home as they tried to give their twin children the best Halloween they could manage without taking them out trick-or-treating or dressing them up. The beige walls of the living room glowed warmly in the light of the fire within the fireplace. A subtle floral-patterned sofa and two lounging chairs usually sat around a wooden coffee table, but James pushed it back to accommodate a playing space for the twins.

James Potter was a charming man and whose brown eyes only held love for his family - and on other days, mischief - and were framed by black, round-rimmed glasses. His eldest twin and his only son, Harry James Potter, inherited his scruffy brown hair, though it was only a tuft on his head.

His beautiful wife, Lily Evans-Potter, was a kind woman who always had a bright smile on her face and wore her heart of gold on her sleeve. She was very humble and she loved her babies with everything fiber of her being. Her only daughter and the younger twin, Lillian, always enjoyed playing with her long auburn hair - her own wasn't long enough yet. The twins also shared their mother's forest-green eyes, which glittered just like hers.

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