Year 7 | Sweet Melancholy

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         LILY WANTED TO avoid Fleur completely after the older girl witnessed her being sick in her bathroom on the day they arrived, but seeing as it was her and Bill's house, it was almost impossible

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         LILY WANTED TO avoid Fleur completely after the older girl witnessed her being sick in her bathroom on the day they arrived, but seeing as it was her and Bill's house, it was almost impossible. When Fleur entered to kitchen to prepare a meal, Lily was sure to be on the opposite side of the house. Of course, Fleur wasn't oblivious; she knew Lily was praying that she wouldn't bring it up, but there were things the girl had to do, decision she had to make...

        An entire week had passed since the lot of them arrived at Shell Cottage and every morning, Harry could be found kneeling in front of Dobby's makeshift grave which he dug in a flowerbed. Dobby would have liked that. Bill and Fleur had just set down a platter of replenishing sandwiches on the dining table and Ron, Hermione and Luna dug in gratefully. Lily looked at the group only when the fresh bandages on Hermione's arm caught her eye; she set her jaw and returned to gazing out of the window in her brother's direction.

       Ron took notice and with a mouthful of his ham and cheese sandwich, "He's still out there?"

        Lily nodded solemnly, "I think he's mourning everyone when he goes out there. It's not like we can take a moment of silence when we're traveling and dodging Deatheaters."

        She shut her eyes and held the windowpane as a wave of nausea washed over her. As Fleur suggested everyone take their sandwiches outside on the beautiful day, Bill walked over to Lily with a steaming mug in his hands. He gave her a meaningful look and offered it to her, "Drink this. It'll help."

         Fleur told him. A sense of dread filled Lily as she took the mug, thanked him and sipped the scalding liquid down. It had a strong gingery taste to it that made her want to gag, but as she downed the third sip, her nausea eased away.

        "Better?" he asked.

         She nodded, inhaled nervously. She could keep avoiding the topic, as time would literally beat her to the chase. "Fleur, can I borrow you for a few minutes?"

          In the doorway where the sun was beaming down and glittering against her light blonde hair, the older girl definitely looked half-veela. She was very beautiful. Lily smirked when she noticed Ron no longer drooled at the sight of her; no, he had his eyes on someone else now. Fleur nodded and smiled at her husband before she led Lily into the study and shut the door.

        "Muffiato." muttered Lily as she waved her hand. Fleur gestured for her to sit down and as they joined each other on the couch, Lily's unbothered facade fell.

        "I didn't piece it together, you know. Not until you suggested that it may not be been nerves that made me sick..." she stared at her hands in her lap, "God, I'm so stupid."

        "You're not." Fleur placed a delicate hand on top of hers and offered her a small smile. "You've have been through a lot. I can understand."

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