Year 7 | Long Live the Potters

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IT WAS THE beginning of August in the year 1991 and Professor Severus Snape sat at his desk in his office at Hogwarts, planning Potion lessons by the dim candlelight as he tried to keep pressing thoughts from his mind

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IT WAS THE beginning of August in the year 1991 and Professor Severus Snape sat at his desk in his office at Hogwarts, planning Potion lessons by the dim candlelight as he tried to keep pressing thoughts from his mind. The moon shone brightly outside in its jubilance; somewhere out there, two long lost siblings were to be reunited very soon. Somewhere, a young girl with vibrant red hair and brilliant green eyes was staring up at the same moon. This seemed to be the exact fact Severus was pushing from his mind as he blotted his parchment for the third time. With an irritated intake of breath, he spelled the blotch away just as a soft tapping came at his door.

        He set his quill down, "Enter."

        The door creaked open and Albus Dumbledore entered the dark office. He eyed the room and sighed, "It is much too dark in here, don't you think, Severus?" He produced a small silver object, a Deluminator, from his pocket and clicked it once. Wispy spheres of light nested on the candles suspended in the chandelier above. Every piece of furniture in the room was covered in white sheets and on top of them rested thick layers of dust. Only a bookcase and shelves holding potions and various ingredients were left uncovered.

"Albus." he nodded his head in greeting.

Dumbledore conjured up a squashy chair in front of the man's desk, sat down, and viewed Severus with a penetrating stare. "It's been years, Severus, and you have yet to uncover this furniture. Don't you think you'd be happier in a comfortable environment."

"I have my chambers."

Dumbledore sighed, "I just received an owl from a few hours time, Harry and Lillian Potter will know where they come from, of the magical world."

Severus set his parchment aside and stared at the desk. He did not dare to look into Dumbledore's eyes. "And of each other?"

"They will soon know of each other, as well." he nodded, "And they will meet on the First of September."

          His lips formed a thin line, "Thank you for telling me."

          There was a baleful beat. Then, Dumbledore stood and the chair he conjured up disappeared with a pop! He nodded and made for the door, but turned suddenly and reached into the pocket of his robes, "I almost forgot. Hagrid sent me these." He placed an envelope on his desk and exited the room as Snape stared at it. Slowly, he reached out for it, opened it and pulled out two photographs. The first was of a young boy with tousled black hair, brilliant green eyes -- his mother's eyes -- and rounded glasses which framed his face. Harry Potter was the mirror-image of his father, James Potter, at that same age.

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