Year 7 | The Killing Curse

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WHO IS LILY POTTER? She is the beloved daughter of the late James and Lily Evans-Potter

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WHO IS LILY POTTER? She is the beloved daughter of the late James and Lily Evans-Potter. She was the baby girl her mother sacrificed herself for when her life was threatened. Lily was the spitting image of her mother - auburn hair and almond-shaped green eyes - and no one ever failed to remind her of it. She had the nerve and wit of her father, a renounced Marauder. She was happy to say they were her parents.

She is the twin sister of Harry Potter.

"I'm Lillian Rose Potter." she had smiled.
"I'm Harry. Harry James Potter." It was this moment - this legendary moment - when the Girl and Boy Who Lived were rightfully reunited. She loved Harry with all of her being and Harry loved her just as much. Their bond was unexplainable, it was far past magic and science; when she hurt, he hurt; if he was angry, she was angry. They were two halves of a whole. Harry and Lily had gone through so much together - to see them apart would mean the end of their worlds.

Lily is the goddaughter of Severus Snape. When Snape was sure she was asleep, he let out a sigh. Only she was not asleep, and she heard every word he said next as clearly as day. "It's my duty to protect you, Lily." he had sighed, "It is my duty as your godfather." She looked up to him as her substitute father, as the adult male figure she always craved for in life. He protected her, watched her grow up and savored all of the memories that truly mattered - memories of herself that Lily never thought anyone who mattered would bear witness to. True, she doubted him and loathed him when she thought he betrayed her...but she regretted it. She discovered the truth and all was good again. He still cared. He still loved her.

Lily is the beloved girlfriend of Fred Weasley. I admit it, you had a little madness, but I didn't care because you were magic and I was on the edge of everything. You wanted to fall and I wanted to fly and we lost our way, but somewhere in-between, we collided and I lost my heart to you on impact. She would remembered his confession of love until the day she died. His words would linger in the breeze blowing through the streets of Hogsmeade, they would burrow in the ground and they would root themselves for all happy souls to remember. She loved him - god, she loved him - the boy with a heart of gold.

Lily Potter is a good friend. She changed Neville Longbottom's life when she asked him to sit for breakfast on that first day in their first year - she put her faith in him and he grew to be a lion rather than a cub. She blessed the lives of Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger; she taught them to laugh until their stomachs hurt, she taught them to take risks and show their madness. The Weasleys adopted the Potters into their family many years ago - Mr and Mrs. Weasley were proud to say they were parents of nine. She inspired people everywhere she went whether it was the Quidditch field or the Ministry of Magic or in the castle.

Lily is a friend, a lover, a sister, a daughter, a goddaughter, a godmother; she became everything just like she always wanted. She is a fighter and a survivor and she would be remembered as just that. I'm okay with that. I'm okay. She is loved, she is cherished, she is an inspiration, she is good,...she's breaking...she's in agony....

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