Year 2 | The Last Day

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      THE DAY CONTINUED on in that manner

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      THE DAY CONTINUED on in that manner. The Slytherin students took up most of the showers in the castle due to the prank and naturally, everyone in the school new about it. After Harry, Ron, and Ginny were let in on the prank it took all of the willpower in the world to maintain innocent expression as they passed by scowling purple-faced Slytherins waiting on line to get into the showers. The lot of them – Harry, Ron, Ginny, Lily, Fred and George – walked through the corridors together to head into the Great Hall for their last feast of the school year. Despite the possessed diary and basilisk complications, the year went by pretty fast.

     Harry and Ron nudged Lily with grins on their faces as an angry Draco Malfoy – whose cheeks were still a purple tint – stormed into the Great Hall and walked down the aisle to get to hit spot at the Slytherin table.

     "Gee, I thought people turned red when they're angry?" Ginny joked

     "What's that you said, Weasley?" Draco spat as he approached her. Lily stood up and moved in front of her to come eye to eye with Draco. "You know, I know a very nasty secret of yours. How about I tell everyone who really petr–"

     "Finish that sentence." Lily growled, "I dare you."

     His icy blue eyes skimmed over her to see if she was going to back down, but she knew better. But she knew better. He knew what his father did – hell, he was probably a part of the scheme. He stared at her and she immediately realized that her did know everything: he was scanning her over to see if she really looked capable of controlling the legendary monster hidden within the chamber. He couldn't see it, but she definitely was and she would be capable of so much more in time.

     "Walk away, Malfoy." Fred warned.

     "Yeah," Ron chimed in, "Or she'll punch you again."

     "Wouldn't want that to happen again, aye, Malfoy?" George finished. The siblings bond being shown right there made Lily grin. How she loved her Weasleys.

     Growling and muttering colorful words under his breath, he stormed off. Lily sat down and they high-fived each other. Lily beckoned Neville over and he happily found a place next to Harry and Ron.

     Fear and suspicion no longer lurked in the shadows of Hogwarts and students and teachers alike were abuzz with excitement and anticipation about who won the house cup. Honestly, Lily couldn't care less about the House Cup – not when she saw the formerly petrified students walk into the Hall as good as new. Justin Finch-Fletchley joined his fellow Hufflepuffs (but not without waving to Harry) and Colin Creevey was also back to his old self, taking photos of the proceedings. At the rear of the hall, standing near the entrance, Filch was reunited with his cat, Mrs. Norris – but they already knew she was back to normal. Nearly Headless Nick floated into the Hall and smiled at the warm welcomes he received. But Lily and the boys only had eyes for one beautiful soul standing beneath the archwayc, searching for them.


     Lily got up from her seating and grinned like an excited idiot when Hermione saw her. Harry and Ron peered around Fred and George and they also smiled. It was a mushy moment, to say the least. Harry and Ron stood as Lily and Hermione raced to each other and exchanged a huge hug. "Hermione Granger, you are not allowed to do that to us ever again."

     "You solved it!" she sighed victoriously, "You solved it!"

     They walked to the boys who smiled sheepishly at her. Harry hugged her, "With loads of help from you."

     Hermione turned to hug Ron but they pause as the awkward moment dragged on in between them and decided to shake hands instead. Harry and Lily rolled their eyes. Ron smiled sheepishly, "Welcome back, Hermione."

      Hermione sat down between Ginny and Lily and leaned in, "I already know we have loads to catch up on," she laughed quietly, "But in most interested in why the Slytherins are covered in purple paint."

     "You don't even know the half of it." said Harry.

      "It'll take the whole train ride to explain," Ron replied, "Trust me."

     To acquire everyone's undivided attention, McGonagall tapped her crystal goblet with a spoon and the excitement died down. Headmaster Dumbledore stood from his chair and smiled, "Before we begin our feast, let's give a round of applause to Professor Sprout and Madame Pomfrey, whose Mandrake Juice has been successfully administered to all those who had been petrified."

     Everyone applauded the professors as both women flushed a flattering red.

      "Also, in the wake of recent events, as a school treat, all exams have been cancelled."

    Everyone shrieked with delight and happiness. Hermione frowned, "Oh, no!" Lily shook her hand and patted her on the back.

     At the rear of the hall, the great doors opened again to the burly gamekeeper, Rubeus Hagridx. The friendly giant entered, stopped and looked around as all eyes had turned to him as the room fell silent. "Sorry I'm late. The owl deliverin' my release papers got all lost 'n confused. Some ruddy bird named Errol."

     The Weasley children – even Percy – bowed their heads and Ron nervously met Dumbledore's eyes. He had asked Ron to have his owl deliver Hagrid's release papers to Askaban prison, but Dumbledore didn't seem the least bit annoyed. He winked at him. Hagrid looked at all of the faces staring at him and then he spotted the Potters. He walked towards them and the four smiled up at him.

     "I jus' want to say... that if it wasn't fer' you, Harry, Lily... you an' Ron... and Hermione..." he spluttered , "Well, I jus' want to say... Thanks."

     Harry and Lily stood, looking up at the towering giant. "There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid."

     Dumbledore got to feet and brought his hands together. The other professors joined him and soon everyone was on their feet clapping; the great hall was roaring. As the students surrounded Hagrid, he blinked back tears. Unnoticed by Lily or the others, George and Fred snapped a picture of the entire scene.

     It was moments like these with friends that really made everything okay; moments like these made Hogwarts more special than the bewitched ceiling or moving staircases or the secret magical rooms and school spirits. Moments like these made Hogwarts exactly what it was to Lily, Harry, and many others: their home. They would cherish those moments until the end of their days.

     And so Hogwarts castle, glittering gloriously in the morning sunlight, continued on with their glorious farewell feast and weolcmed back all of those who had been petrified. It was another eventful year over for Harry and Lily Potter. Everything would change now – especially for Lily – but with their friends by their sides, they were ready for the wild ride.

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