Year 4 | Mood Swings for Moody

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THE HOGWARTS EXPRESS rode through a pile of mountains and licked the valleys up as it pushed through dawn

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THE HOGWARTS EXPRESS rode through a pile of mountains and licked the valleys up as it pushed through dawn. The sun was just beginning to rise and it sent light orange hues in the brightening blue sky. Harry, Ron, Lily and Hermione were seated in their own compartment on the train, riding towards Hogwarts to begin their fourth year. They had been discussing what had happened the previous night and the World Cup when a voice called out.

"Anything from the trolley?" She called out in a singsong voice, "Anything from the trolley?"

Harry and Ron stood up the meet the woman at the compartment door. Hermione turned to Lily as she looked distractedly out of the window.

"How's your hand?" Hermione asked.

Lily shrugged, glancing at her, "I'm getting feeling back."

"Anything from the trolley dears?" The woman asked.

"Packet of drewbals and a licorice wand." Ron said, drawing some coins from his pocket. He saw he didn't have enough money on his and sighed, "On second thought, just the drewbals."

"It's alright I'll get it." Harry volunteered.

Ron shook his head thankfully. "Just the drewbals, thanks."

As Ron set himself back down on the seat opposite of Hermione and Lily, Lily stood and walked towards the door. After she paid for her treats, she tossed Ron two licorice wands and he caught them. As Harry was about to order, Cho Chan walked up to the cart, "Two pumpkin pasties, please."

Harry and Cho looked at each other and smiled. Lily saw the encounter and did her best to hide her grin.

She took the pasties, "Thank you." And walked back to her compartment, but not without a last glance at Harry.

"Anything sweet for you dear?" The lady asked Harry, breaking him from his trance.

"Oh, no thank you. I'm not hungry." Harry shook his head and entered the compartment again. Lily leaned against the frame of the sliding door and grinned.

"Yes, you are." She grinned, "Hungry for Cho Chan."

Ron began to snicker and Harry rolled him eyes. Lily shut the door behind her and leaned against it as Hermione spoke in the midst of her internal battle.

"This is horrible, how can the ministry not know who conjured it." Hermione questioned.

"The ministry is corrupt and it always has been." Lily told them.

"Isn't there any security or?"

"Loads according to Dad, that's what worried them so much." Ron nodded, "Happened right under their noses."

"Do you really think Voldemort would have called for an attack at the World Cup if he had not ensured the Ministry would have been subdued?" Lily spoke in a lower voice. "There has to be someone of his on the inside. And if they can infiltrate the ministry unnoticed...."

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