Year 6 | Weasley is Our King! ♛

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          NOBODY HAS EVER died of laughter

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          NOBODY HAS EVER died of laughter.

        In the history of worlds, both Muggle and Magical, no one had ever died of laughter. Laughter made even the saddest of people smile, it made even the darkest of places bright again and it made life all the more worth living. Maybe that was why the infamous Marauders played so many pranks and told so many jokes; to shed a little light on the dark times.

        These were dark times, indeed.

        Professor Minerva McGonagall would always have a soft spot for the Marauders and then, the Weasley Three. When it came to making her laugh, or even just lift her sullen mood, they never let her down. Even Mrs. Weasley, who was infuriated by the fact that her twin sons had left Hogwarts towards the end of their last year and that they had opened a joke shop instead, was secretly delighted by their part in the second wizarding war. George and Fred Weasley and Lily Potter, no matter what they themselves were experiencing, were determined to spread vitality into the darkness that had become of their lives.

        And so on a small corner of Diagon Alley, number 7 Hemingway Road, a joke shop stood prominently against the others. A large sign depicting the title Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes was held by three ginormous figures; two identical twin statues, who lifted top hats from their messes of flaming hair, revealing rabbits from beneath them. The third statue was placed in the middle, depicting a girl with red hair only a shade darker than the other two and she held a wand in one hand and made a thumbs-up with the other.

          They were of the Weasley Three.

         Dozens of people shadowed the storefront of Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, staring eagerly into the windows as they waited for the grand opening of the colorful shop. Fred, George and Lily stood behind the closed glass doors, grinning out at the crowd outside.

          "We've done it, boys." Lily smiled, "Our own joke shop."

         "We'll be set for life." said George.

        "Mum will be happy about that, at least." replied Fred, who held Lily's hand within his own.

           "She'll come around." reassured Lily.

         "It's eleven-fifty-nine." George glanced at the clock above the doorway, "Are we ready?"

         "Ready." nodded Fred and Lily.

         "On the count of three?" asked George, "For old time's sake?"




         Fred and George opened the doors to the shop and Lily grinned broadly at the crowd as the statues roared to life and the lights flickered on. Cheerful music began to play and the magical items within the shop began to get to work.

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