Year 5 | Operation Augustus

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IT WAS EXACTLY five o'clock in the morning when Lily Potter awoke to the sound of her owl, Caspian, tapping his beak on the stained glass window, demanding entrance

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IT WAS EXACTLY five o'clock in the morning when Lily Potter awoke to the sound of her owl, Caspian, tapping his beak on the stained glass window, demanding entrance. The sun was just peeking over the horizon, ending its game of hide and seek with a moon as it too faded away into the sky. The hue of the sky itself was a light blue and only a few clouds spotted the sky; dawn was barely upon them.

Groaning, Lily sat up and threw her blankets off of herself, glancing about the room to see that Hermione and Ginny were still fast asleep in their beds, cuddling with their warm blankets and pillows. Lily had half a mind to wake them up just out of spite, but decided she was too tired and only had enough energy to get up and open the window.

When she unlocked it and slid it open with the utmost quietness, Caspian perched himself on the sill and displayed to her a letter that seemed to be of the utmost importance. An official wax stamp depicting a the head of a Phoenix sealed the envelope and on the cover was her name, written by scrawny script handwriting Lily knew to be Sirius's.

With a nod of thanks, Lily took the envelope to her bed, where she propped her pillows up to sit against. Caspian flew to his perch and rested peacefully; Lily left the window open to allow the warm draft of a concluding-summer's air run about. She carefully opened the letter and unfolded the paper inside.

Dear Lily,
Operation August has been set in motion.

I am so sorry that you and your brother must find out this way, but I could not see a good time to tell you such a thing in the time that you both were here before the start of term. With Harry's hearing and your troubling predicament with Voldemort, I did not see a right time to.

Operation August will have already begun by the time that you receive this letter and will be in your hands by the end of this night. This task has not only been trusted to you as member of the Phoenix, but as my Goddaughter. A location will be given to you by another of our members to preserve the secret of our organization, seeing as how the Ministry has authorities in the castle. This location will be where only you, Harry or a most trusted friend may know about.

This operation, like yours, Operation Potters, is a rescue mission for a very important and dear person to me. I hope you will not be angered by me telling you this within a simple letter, but this person is my child, my son. You and Harry are his Goddsiblings, Lily, and I just as you trust me with your lives, I trust you with his.

You are his only hope.

Sincerely, Padfoot.

"Oh my god." exclaimed Lily as she reached the last lines of the letter. Hermione groaned and shifted in her sleep whilst Ginny remained still; she was used to hearing much louder of a ruckus with six older brothers. "OH MY GOD!"

It was then that Hermione and Ginny sat up abruptly and looked over to their best friend's bed, but when they did, the red-haired girl was already bolting out of the room. She ran down the hall, down the stairs, into the empty common room and back up except this time, towards the boys' dormitories. Ignoring a mischievous Peeves, who had shaving cream in one hand and a feathered quill in the other, she raced up to the third door on the left and opened it with a spark of Magic from her palm, as it had been locked.

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