Year 6 | The Reckoning

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THE HOGWARTS LIBRARY was usually a quiet destination within the castle, especially around the holidays as everyone wished to play in the snow and decorate the halls

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THE HOGWARTS LIBRARY was usually a quiet destination within the castle, especially around the holidays as everyone wished to play in the snow and decorate the halls. Seeing as the security around the castle was extremely adamant, especially after Katie Bell's incident in Hogsmeade, many students remained within the castle. Unfortunately, this meant many girls would be giggling behind bookshelves in the library as they ogled Harry. Hermione begrudgingly took notice to it and the fact that Harry seemed to enjoy it a little, but a scowl stuck onto Lily's face since the moment the first girl watching said, "That Harry Potter, he's so hot."

Meanwhile, Hermione was ranting to the Potters as she returned a stack of various books she logged out a few days ago. Days passed after Ron and Lavender snogged in the middle of the common room and Hermione gave Ron the cold shoulder ever since. "He's at perfect liberty to kiss whomever he likes. I really couldn't care less."

Lily begged to differ.

"Was I under the impression he and I would be attending Slughorn's Christmas party together? Yes." she huffed. Harry learned against the table as she slammed a book in the shelf. "Now, given the circumstances, I had to make other arrangements."

"Have you?" inquired Harry.



"Well, I just thought seeing is not the risk at going with who we'd really like to--"

"--We should go together, as friends." said Harry. "I mean, I'd go with Lily, but she already asked Neville."

"Why didn't I think of that?" Hermione swore under her breath.

This intrigued Harry, who glanced around for the crazy librarian and after he saw the coast was clear, he hopped onto the table. "Who are you going with?"

"Um, it's a surprise." she sputtered and quickly changed the subject, "Anyways, you have got to worry about all of the girls trying to get you to take them."

When Harry furrowed his eyebrows, the scowl on Lily's face became prominent. Her expression almost scared Harry as he followed her gaze to a dark-haired girl sitting in the corner of the aisle. She pretended to write as they looked at her, but couldn't help but steal a few generous glances at Harry.

"You see that girl over there? That's Romilda Vane." Emphasis on vain, thought Lily. She scoffed, "Harry, she's been been trying to smuggle you a love potion."


Hermione and Lily both smacked him simultaneously and he groaned. Maybe he chose wrong in spending the evening with the two girls.

"She's only interested in you because she thinks you're the Chosen One!" exclaimed Hermione. Lily glared at the girls trying to sneak a peek at Harry through the books on the shelf beside them.

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