Year 3: The Bell Tolls for Death

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THE THIRD YEAR Gryffindors were all seated in the Divination classroom as Professor Trelawney walked around, aiding the students as they all tried to figure out how to read the crystal balls set in from of them

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THE THIRD YEAR Gryffindors were all seated in the Divination classroom as Professor Trelawney walked around, aiding the students as they all tried to figure out how to read the crystal balls set in from of them. They had reached the section of the class which revolved around reading the future from crystal balls and Hermione, who sat beside Lily as they looked at their individual Crystal balls, was not happy, to say the least.

"Relax... Let your mind... go..." Trelawney spoke in a tranquil voice.

As they all stared into the crystal balls curiously, their faces reflected the mist within, so that their very skin seemed to be made of smoke. Hermione and Lily sat beside each other whilst the two boys sat in the elevated row behind them.

 Hermione and Lily sat beside each other whilst the two boys sat in the elevated row behind them

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"Crystal-gazing requires that you clear the Inner Eye. Only then, will you... See." Trewlawney then eyed Lily's crystal ball, "Oh my, what do we have here...?"

"Here we go again." Hermione rolled her eyes and muttered under her breath, "It's the Grim! It's the Grim!"

"My dear, from the moment you first arrived in my class, I sensed that you did not possess the proper spirit for the noble art of Divination." Trelawney narrowed her eyes at her. Lily bit her tongue, knowing the woman's next words would not be any nicer. "You may be young in years, but the heart that beats beneath your bosom is as shriveled as an old maid's, your soul as dry as the pages of the books to which you so desperately cleave."

Stung by her words, Hermioen started to reply but, remarkably, she seemed incapable of a single word. Rising gracelessly and angrily, she exited, knocking her crystal ball to the floor. Harry watched curiously as the ball rolled slowly out of the doorway, whilst Lily smacked her over her mouth to contain her laughter.

"'In late spring, one of our number will leave us forever!'" Lavender Brown recalled Trelawney's previous prediction, "You knew, Professor! You saw."

"On these occasions, I take no joy in my gift, Miss Brown." Trelawney sighed. Lily turned around and leaned against her desk as she looked at Harry and Ron.

"I have gazed into my crystal ball and at long last, I have finally made out what will happen in the near future." Lily mocked.

Harry grinned, going along with it, "And what may that be, dear sister?"

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