Year 5| Dream A Better Dream

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          THE LAST TIME Lily had come across the peculiar Room of Requirement, it had turned into the birthplace of disaster

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          THE LAST TIME Lily had come across the peculiar Room of Requirement, it had turned into the birthplace of disaster. She had discovered the darker side of herself, the side of herself that only proved how similar to Lord Voldemort she was. She had hoped to never see that damned room and the wardrobe that was once within it ever again.

          At least when she did, it was not the same.

          It was Neville Longbottom who had found it on his own, for the magic that had created the room sensed his desire for a location to practice the Dark Arts. When the boy had discovered the room, he immediately ran for Lily and the others had followed. And there they all stood in a vast room lit by torches on the walls and a fire crackling in the grand fireplace to the very back of the room, casting moving shadows on the stone floor. Suits of armor and imitative dummies were posted spontaneously about the room, ready to be of use in a practice duel or disarmament.

          "You've done it, Neville." Lily grinned, giving his shoulder a squeeze as he smiled pridefully. "You found the Room of Requirement."

          "The what?" queried Ron.

          "It's also known as the Come and Go Room. The Room of Requirement only appears when a person has real need of it." Hermione did not dare mention that they had unknowingly been in it before, however different. Lily was grateful. "And it's always equipped for the seeker's needs."

          "So say you really needed the toilet..."

          Fred and George chuckled behind Hermione, who rolled her eyes, "Charming, Ronald. But, yes, that is the general idea."

          "It's brilliant." grinned Harry, "It's like Hogwarts wants us to fight back."

           "Now all we need is to find good meeting times." said Fred.

          George nodded, "Now that Umbridge has all of these rules, it'll be impossible to meet unnoticed."

          "Nothing is impossible." Lily shook her head and smirked, turning towards them, "You let me deal with Umbridge."


          It was not long before Dumbledore's Army began their first session together in the Room of Requirements. It had been a gloomy day, for the sky was filled with thick rain clouds that refused to break. In spite of their prior reluctance, Harry and Lily found themselves in their own element and their friends took notice to it. In their first class, Lily taught half of them to work a Disarming charm while Harry taught the rest to Stun. It went magnificently and they even taught a few spells that Fred and George, in their seventh year, did not know.

          When their first session had ended, Harry was waving everyone off as Lily walked up to Neville, who stood by the fireplace, staring at the flames. He had a faraway look in his eyes, a look Lily knew all too well.

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