Year 1 | The Sorting

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NIGHT FELL UPON the Hogwarts grounds as the Express stopped at the station and the doors opened to let the students off

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NIGHT FELL UPON the Hogwarts grounds as the Express stopped at the station and the doors opened to let the students off. The quilt of the night sky above them was woven with graceful stars that twinkled softly down on the Potters and their new friend Ronald Weasley as they stepped off with the many other kids in their train cart. A prefect was posted at every exit to tell them that their luggage would be brought to their permanent dormitories after the Sorting and to direct the different years in various directions. The trio wove through the crowd of students as they walked off in different directions and approached the towering form of Hagrid, who casted a darker shadow over their young faces as they peered up at him.

"Hello, Hagrid." greeted Harry.

Lily gave the giant a grin as she walked up beside him. "Hey, Hagrid."

"Hello, you two. I see you didn't have any trouble finding each other, now did ya?" He winked and they flushed the same color as her hair. He oblivious to Ron's gaping and Lily elbowed him to shut his mouth before he saw him.

"All first years! First years, follow me!" Hagrud bellowed. Most, if not all of the eleven-year-olds, gathered around him. "We're going to the boats!"

When he was content with the number of students gathered, he turned and walked off with all of them following closely behind. The young kids kept their eyes peeled for any sign of the majestical castle and its intriguing ambiances. They strolled under a cobblestone overpass leading to the wrought iron gates to the general grounds and walked around a stone curvature to find themselves standing on the wooden docks. The shore led off into the Black Lake which was at least five miles in diameter and was known to be home to the most peculiar creatures. And at long last, they got to see the castle. It rested upon a cluster of jagged mountains in the center of the lake –  the Hogwarts castle and it's many turrets and towers glimmered beautifully in the night.

Hagrid climbed into one of the wooden boats tethered to the docks. The oil lanterns hanging at the front of each boat flickered on as they stepped in. "Four per boat!"

Ron gestured to the empty boat nearest to them. "Let's take this one, yeah?"

They climbed into the boat and waited for a fourth person. Hermione Granger walked over to them as the other boats filled up and peered down at them from the dock. She suddenly seemed shy and they wondered whether she realized how strident she was back on the train.  "Umm...may I join you?"

Before Ron could object, Lily shifted over to make room for her. Harry helped her in and as soon as she sat down, the boat propelled itself forward and sailed across the lake to join the rest. The opaque water shimmered around them as they sailed and Lily wondered how many ways there were to get to the castle.

 The opaque water shimmered around them as they sailed and Lily wondered how many ways there were to get to the castle

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