Year 7 | The Cruciatus Curse

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       SOMETIMES PEOPLE create a list with the names of people who have done them wrong. When they've completed the list, they go back and repay their wrongdoers with punishments and some can even go so far as killing them. Lily Potter had one of those lists but hers worked differently. The names on her list represented people she lost, people she would avenge, people who sacrificed themselves so she could keep going.


       Lily Potter was whimpering – whimpering with every new cut Bellatrix made with her dagger. She was seated in a wooden chair and restrained by ropes as the crazed woman danced around her, slicing her arms up with every question Lily refused to answer. This was Voldemort's idea of an interrogation and instead of a good-cop, bad-cop strategy, he ordered Bellatrix to go straight to torture – and the woman happily obliged.

       "Where's Harry, little Lily Potter?"

       "I don't know!" Lily hissed. Bellatrix shrugged and made another slice on her upper arm. She gritted her teeth and shut her eyes, "A-Albus Dumbledore."

        "Your precious Albus can't save you now, pretty girl. He's six feet under." she bent down and caressed her cheek with the flat on her blade, smearing her blood on her bruised cheek.

       "Actually, he's three feet above ground," Draco chimed in lazily from his cell. After trying to resist a half-dozen imperios from Dolohov, he was worn out. Both women turned to state at him and he looked away, muttering, "But I guess that's none of my business."

       Bellatrix put her blade to Lily's forearm when there wasn't enough room for more cud on the top. She drew the blade across her skin as she asked, "What is your brother planning?"

       Lily laughed bitterly to cover up her groan of pain, "You're asking all of the wrong questions." Bellatrix brought the blade to his thigh and sliced, "Fuck!" she screamed painfully.

       "She's telling the truth. But I guess you've only ever known lies, isn't that right," Draco chimed in, "Auntie Dearest?"

      Bellatrix and Draco locked eyes and Lily was allowed a moment of relief. She wondered where Harry, Hermione and Ron were up to – if they were thinking about her. Was Fred following the riddles she left or was he too distraught to do anything? No, she'd be offended if he didn't because that would mean he thought she really gave up and he knew her better than that.

      Bellatrix returned to Lily and pressed the tip of the knife to her thigh again. Blood dripped down her arms and she was beginning to feel dizzy as her wounds took their toll. Lily spoke up before she moved to cut her again, "O-One time offer: you a-answer one question of m-mine and I'll answer o-one of yours – truthfully."

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