Take My Hand

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Once outside, Elsabet flexed her wings but couldn't extend them. They felt tied to her body.

Relying on her feet, she shook her head like a wild thing, as she struggled to become the valkyrie.

To no avail.

Snarling in frustration, she glanced at the gray sky above her, heavy with clouds. She set toward the trees bordering the meadow.

Thunder cracked, and lightening shredded the sky. Sunlight unable to find her as she fled the castle made of water.

She moved through descending darkness. White tunic mingling with shining blonde tresses to make her a beacon in the descending blackness.

Her boots left distinct tracks. Signifying her direction. Her step grew deeper in the dirt as she stalked in frustration, unable to take to the air.

Rain dumped, but her clothes never dampened. Slipping off her like oil. Only absorbing in her hair. Causing strands to cling to the curve of her back.

Sebastian watched her somewhere between admiration and aggravation. Another woman would've admitted exhaustion. Admitted her legs grew weary. But not her.

She was succeeding in putting the castle behind her. Stumbling once, she caught herself. The second time there was no salvaging her step.

The sopping dirt sucked her down.

She fought thick mud as she sunk elbow deep into it. Fighting to free her feet from the muck.

The hooves of a great white mount stepped into view.

He felt her dread from where he sat atop Sivikon.


Groaning aloud, she saw five or six strange dogs moving around the prancing steed. The beasts snaked around their master, willing to defend him.

The horse was unspeakably beautiful. Reluctantly lifting her eyes, spotted him atop the gorgeous mount.

Posture relaxed, his forearms casually crossed over the saddle horn. Heavy armor encased him. His black cloak billowed behind him and over the horse's back. As the wind calmed it draped down to the dogs. An unnatural semblance of wings.

He looked like some dark demon come hunting in the falling evening.

"I hope he throws you." She seethed.

Inhumanly still, he watched her. Were his graceful mount to buck, it was clear Sebastian would move fluidly with him.

"He's never dislodged me." He grinned.

Unable to suppress it, a shiver shook her.

"Cold?" He frowned.

Only to herself, did she begrudgingly admit she'd been cold for a while now.

"Only your mad run for freedom kept you warm, aye?" He offered her a hand up. Giving her a teasing grin.

"You're my enemy." She only stared at him. "And I'm accustomed to that."

She has no intention of changing our dynamic anytime soon.

"You should be. Since all men are." His amused note didn't leave his voice though he did retract his hand to lean back on the saddle horn. As leisurely as a man at his dinner table.

She drew her knees to her chest, curling tight for warmth.

And maintaining as much distance from me as she can.

Not for much longer, Sweetheart. His smirk turned the corner of his mouth.

"Why do you always look as though you're laughing at me?" She snapped waspishly.

"Does your fear of me, make you hate me all the more?" He blurted, curious to know.

She resents all man but clearly she fears being attracted to one.

He knew she couldn't be oblivious to the lightning currents bursting between them every time they were within feet of each other.

She scooped a chunk of wood to toss at him, but he ducked to the side. Smoothly evading it.

Twisting her wrist, she felt the comforting sensation of fingernails elongating into long curved claws. Claws that could eviscerate.

He followed her gaze and watched the motion of her hands intently. "Do you wish to cut me, My Lady?"

"To hollow you out, My Lord." She sneered the title.

"Do you really think you'd be free then?"


She lifted her chin.

"Your fear keeps you captive more than I. Until you can be free of that you'll never know actual freedom." The leather of his saddle creaked as the huge horse shifted.

"Fear?" She scoffed. "I fear nothing."

"Then hop up here. Let me wrap my arms about you. Pull you to me and rest my chin on your shoulder. Warm you against this cold."

Hissing she reared back as though he'd slapped her.

Terrified of being so close to me.

It was clear this was not the standard reticence of an innocent maid fearing being compromised.

This is true, real fear.

"As I thought." He pointed at her as the mount shifted. "The thought of a man's hand on you terrifies you...That is fear."

"It's rage."

Only to hold you strong.

"Only a mask for your fear." He waved away her excuses.

"You think you know me?"

He leaned over the horn, his eyes conveying the depth of his message. "I see you, Elsabet..."


She quaked with all that delightful anger.

Aimed at me.

It wasn't too far a stretch to imagine her passion would run just as hot as her temper.

"I'll make you a deal. When you surrender to me. Let me wrap my arms about you and warm you with my flesh. Allow me to chase away all those terrible fears of men...I'll set you free."

"What does that mean?" She eyed him suspiciously.

"When you show you can be tamed. Soft and in control of your fiery emotions, there'd no longer be a reason to hold you here." He justified.

Though I'd still want you here. This is the most alive I've felt in centuries.

Cracking her neck side to side, she summoned emotion to fuel her power. Brown wings rent from her body to splay straight back ominously.

Wrenching through my mystical bindings. Sebastian's jaw ticked in aggravation.

She's strong...

What'll it take to make her weak. For me.

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