Warning the Demon

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Shock was written over her face. She clutched her skirts and took a hesitant step back. Before gasping and turning.

He returned to his armoire even as she tore across the room aimed for the door. "Go ahead. Run, Little Harpie."

I'm closing in.

He opened the armoire. "Come back to me anytime."

She slowed at the door to give him a look.

"You're always welcome in my chamber...And in my bed." He felt her still standing there staring at him as he moved another tunic within the armoire.

When his eyes went to her, he found her standing there, jaw agape. After their eyes locked a moment, she fled.

Eventually you'll tire of running. And when you do, I'll be right here waiting.

If he shut his eyes, he could still recall the scent of her as he'd made love to her. Hear the sounds she'd made and feel her desperately clutching at his back and shoulders.

He pictured her standing in the doorway just now. When he'd invited her to his bed anytime she wished. Seen the shock intermingled with a flicker of desire.

I'll feel you again.

He tucked another shirt in the cupboard and slammed the door purposefully.


Stone Peak, Black Mountains, Battling Border


Chavias was nearly asleep when he heard a man's hysterical shouting in the cave.

"Master! Master! I've a vision."

A voice Chavias didn't know. He slid off the metal cot and crept to the barred door of his chamber. Now locked since Okine had healed. Chavias leaned against the wall to get the best angle to see toward Radix's private chambers down the stone hall. Where a dim torch flickered near some fallen rubble.

He saw the gray figure of a pale man shuffling into the cave on all fours.

In his eagerness to hear what he had to say, Radix emerged to meet him in the hall. Looking down at the intruder with his usual deep contempt for humanity.

"Essius." He acknowledged the creature with an outstretched hand.

The pale man tentatively reached up and took his withered hand. Lapping at it lovingly.

Chavias had to refrain from the urge to wretch at the sight.

"I've a vision, Master."

"I heard you the first time." Radix waited.

When the man only blinked up at him worshippingly, Radix pressed impatiently. "Well?"

"A Queen. Something. Something happen to her."

"Who? What? Which Queen?"

How many does he own? Chavias wondered. Not for the first time.

"Her eyes." Essius waved a white hand before his face.

"What about them?" Radix snapped.

"They go white like me." He turned his hand over and lifted the back of it for Radix's inspection as an example.

"What causes it?"

"A man with drink."

"Poison." Radix said. "Who?"

"I couldn't-I can't...See."

"Could you tell anything about him?" Radix groaned impatiently.

"Hair." Essius ran a pale hand lovingly over the side of his head and the top of his shoulder. His thin white fingers trailing over his skin. "Gold. Like wheat. Shiny."

Repulsive. Chavias thought watching the pale man's movements. He's hideous.

Whose he talking about?

"Pathetic." Radix kicked him in the gut. Making the shuffling man topple back and hit his back against the jagged stone wall.

Apparently, he doesn't think he's making any sense either. Chavias grunted.

Essius sobbed in fear and threw his arms up over his face to protect himself.

It wasn't enough. Radix rained kicks on him. Though Radix's skinny legs looked frail, Chavias knew the power that'd be behind those strikes. He was fueled by evil, and the skinny frame was only a disguise for the demon being within.

He cursed Essius.

The pale man whimpered. "I try. I try."

Radix stopped and looked down on him hatefully. "Do not bother me again unless you have more! Something of importance. Something with detail! Do. You. Understand. Me, you sniveling wretch!"

"More. More. I understand." He cowered. Whining like a child.

Chavias shook his head and went back to his cot. Dropping onto it and reaching absentmindedly under it to feel the cloth of the blue cape hidden there.

Calisto's cape.

Assuring himself it was still there he closed his eyes and tried to rest. Tried to escape the screams, the smell of blood and urine and misery. Tried to ease his body. Tried not to worry that Okine would wake him with a blade in his chest.

Tried to rest.


Nightway Castle, Nightway


Sebastian crept silently through the halls. Moving from shadow to shadow. The vial of RiderStone Mardichi had brought him, tucked into the pocket of his tunic. It was easy enough to navigate the corridors following the overpowering scent of rose oil as Alazareth had directed, to reach the queen's chamber.

Once within, he strode to the decanter across the room. Hearing soft footfalls in the hall and quickly unstopped the jug to pour a swill of rich red wine in a glass. Adding a hearty portion of RiderStone before tucking the vial back in his discreet pocket. Turning, glass in hand, just as the steps entered the room.

There you are. She was a dark haired, dark eyed woman with a beaked nose. Alazar was right.

"And who might you be?" The woman's authoritive tone cracked like a whip.

"Yer new server, Mum." He lowered his head in deference.

"Oh, are you?" She questioned. "Though you do well mimicking uneducated words there's a cultured note in your voice." Her swaying step carried her a slow circle around him.

He wore a scruffy tunic that itched and breeches a bit too short. But he saw it there on her face. She's not deceived.

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