Baiting Her

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He strolled to the edge of the fireplace and tucked himself into the shadows. Resting an elbow on the high mantle and watching her from his dark little corner, hoping observing her would somehow soothe his raw nerves.

Seeing her usually does.

And fighting with her appeases the pain.

But that could wait until he'd calmed some. And let his dread of having to confess to the Alpha their recent failure, abate.

It's done now. There was nothing he could do to change it.

But I'd never dreaded so much telling him, we failed.

Sebastian understood why Teverius couldn't face him or The Alpha. Knew Tev's guilt and self-loathing. And knew it was those aggressive feelings which had driven him to isolate himself in Dread Country rather than confess to the Alpha what he'd lost.

But he'd have never given it up willingly. Bast had defended to Deragan.

Even now he could vividly recall the evidence on Teverius, of the brutal beating he'd taken. Envisioned the cuts marring his torso and tearing over his face and new Tev had fought. Hard.

And Little Brother is fast. Ungodly fast. Bast had seen him operate his hatchets on countless occasions and knew Tev was a warrior.

But little match against Chavias.

No one is.

And that, according to Tev, was who'd come calling for the map.

So much for being killed by Cimmerii.

Now he serves Radix. In truth.

Bast knew it, despite how much Bast didn't want to believe his former comrade was capable of such a thing.

He was the one man, other than us, who knew it existed.

He's betrayed us on a whole new level. Bast hated thinking that Chavias would willingly sacrifice the innocent to appease Radix.

That's not the man I knew...


"Do you enjoy whatever you do in here?" Sebastian snapped a bit viciously at Elsabet. Knowing he was taking out his aggravation on her. Trying to detract from his misery.

Gasping she whipped around to look at him standing in the shadow of the chimney. She teetered on the ladder.

Perhaps I should've waited for her to come down. He thought ruefully. His body tightening to catch her if she fell.

Her blue eyes were round and sparking with surprise. Her hair a silver halo around her face and over her shoulders.

Beautiful. He assessed. Full of emotion, passion, whereas I'd nearly forgotten how to feel.

"How do you get around so quietly?" She snapped.

"Cat paws." He lifted a boot and gestured to the bottom.


"You are practically feral." She grumbled.

"You've no idea..." He growled. Blue-green eyes trailing over her.

I want her for mine. He'd never felt the urge to mark a woman as he did this one. The beast in him felt like it was barely leashed. Snarling and chomping to get at her.

To mark her.

But he somehow refrained.

"What are you thinking?" She eyed him. Giving him an odd look. The book still in her hands.

As if she knew I was thinking something predatory.

You don't want to know, Little Dove.

"I was thinking how remarkably beautiful you look today."

She scoffed. "The Hell you were."

I was. And how much I'd like to take that alluring little dress off.

"There's nothing so kind as that, which goes on in your mind." She said with absolutely certainty.

Not altogether wrong. He inwardly admitted.


Elsabet rounded a bookshelf and nearly slammed into him. Looking up to glare at him. Not appreciating his sudden appearance from next to the mantle to directly in-front of her without so much as a sound.

"Do you enjoy startling the life out of young women?" She confronted him.

"Are you young?" He countered coldly. Wondering how old she truly could be.

Especially if she's as immortal as me...

She glowered.

"Don't scowl at me woman. Tis not my fault you're not as observant as you thought yourself. And for the record," He pointed at her. "you're the only young woman I enjoy startling."

She snorted. "And why is that?"

Because your heartbeat shoots up. And you draw that panting breath...

"Your pretty eyes get huge and vulnerable." He tapped the bottom of her chin. Making her eyes flash with anger. "For that single moment when you've forgotten your careful mask."

His gaze roved her face. "It's the only time I see the genuine woman."

"I miss nothing." She retorted waspishly. Finally noticing he'd edged close enough he could see up her skirt if he glanced there, she pulled it tight around her legs and retreated down the ladder.

"I'm not such a villain as that." He defended. "There's still the shreds of a gentleman in me."

"Not in the least!" She scoffed. Doing her damnedest to keep from glancing at him in her peripheral.

"Oh, I assure you I am." He caught her around the waist and tugged her against him abruptly. Pinning her hand to her hip. The other hand shot back.

But his fist shot up and snatched her wrist mid-air.

She curled her fingertips toward him. Straining against his grip. The tip of those fingers began to peel open for black talons to erupt. Creeping outward for over six inches.

But not far enough to get to his face.

Not by several inches.

She twisted and strained against him.

He eased forward to brush his nose in the long tresses of blonde hair. "Mmm...Keep wiggling against me Woman, I can't promise, I'll be able to keep from taking you. Right here."

Her eyes went huge.

"Right now." He added softly.

She turned her face and snapped her teeth at him.

He dodged his face away chuckling. "The feistiest women are usually the sweetest between-"

"Not in this lifetime or any other." She hissed.

"Too bad." He released her so abruptly she fumbled to catch her footing.

"You're missing out. I can be very..." His gaze roved over her from feet, to the tips of her hair. "Attentive..."

"Burn in Hell. That's something I'd far prefer to miss out on."

He gave her a roguish half grin. "You might say that now..."

"Forever." She pushed past him in a huff of skirts.

In a hurry to get out of my reach. It rather amused him.

If she'd felt nothing, she'd not have been in such a hurry to ensure he couldn't get his hands on her again.

"Oh, I guarantee there will come a day when your careful reserve fractures, when you have a moment of weakness, hunger for the touch of a companion."

She paused and cast him a doubtful look over her delicate shoulder. Blue eyes peering disdainfully.

"And when you do. I'll be right here waiting..."

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