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The targue snarled before they attacked, which was the saving grace for Sebastian. It helped him know whom to focus on. Know when he needed to duck or twist in order to escape their attacks.

The smaller one managed to latch teeth around Sebastian's paw. Scraping them down it until reaching his claws. Sebastian had heard something that sounded like crushing bone and there was an explosion of pain behind his eyes.

The pain was almost blinding.

But Sebastian wasn't done.

He flexed them and caught the things tongue and mouth. Ripping sideways and sending bits of lip and muscle spiraling off into the trees.

Then he gave another roar as he dipped to catch its front leg in his mouth and rip it backward. Sending it careening sideways.

By now the other one lunged and sank venom laced teeth into his lower back. Making him cry out. An echoing sound shattering the cooling evening.

And luring others.

When he twisted to confront that one, the smaller latched onto his back leg and hung on. He had to lift a foot and send claws scraping down its chest, to get it to release.

It wouldn't be long before other demonic creatures would arrive to see what creature was foolish enough to announce it was weak.

Furious, he whipped around to bite into that one's throat. Knowing that his feline jaws carried a fair amount of bacteria, of their own. Shaking his head to jerk loose a rough piece of skin. Making the targue screech in pain. Whining as it retreated a few steps.

The smaller one was lunging again. Dragging its wounded leg.

The Sarabi, which had been flopping on its back, trying to use its wings to throw it in the air, now managed to flip onto its feet. Writhing over the ground like an attacking snake.

Sebastian caught sounds that meant more cimmerii were coming.

I need to get out of here.

He lunged over the Sarabi and took off. His legs taking him over the ground in a veering track which he would have to maintain until certain that they'd either given up or lost him.

Which could take a while.

His back already felt like it was on fire from the biting and scratching of the demonic animal's rot-filled weapons.

He took the winding path for several hours before everything went silent again. But he'd already learned how deceptive that could be. So, he still didn't dare take the straight path to WaterRose.

He sighed inwardly. Knowing it would be several more hours, before he'd be home. And the paw they'd bit through stung violently and he now limped. Dragging a back leg. He'd received a bite to the knee that he hadn't even noticed earlier. But he could clearly see the teethmarks surrounding the joint now. He hoped that the bacteria hadn't made it into the tendon yet.

If he could get back and take a thorough bath in WaterRose's waters, it could cleanse out much of the venom.

As long as I can get there...

Right now, it seemed like an impossible feat to get up the mountain.


Sebastian returned to WaterRose the next night. Haggard. With his hair disheveled. Having escaped from its usually immaculate restraint. The leather tether was a bit dropped and his shirt was rent at the back of one shoulder. And scratches marred both his cheeks. Revealing that he'd been in one hell of a scrap.

At least that's what he thought was obvious.

Exhausted, he'd made it up the hill on dragging paws. His silver stallion loping next to him. Reminding himself to change into human form before the long walk across the meadow toward WaterRose, he shifted and hopped atop Sivikon's back. Only dismounting to cross the drawbridge. Halfway over it, with Sivikon at his shoulder, he paused. Stopping on the wood planks and seeing the way moonlight danced across the foamy green waters of the moat. Tuning into his senses to define what was assailing him.

He was hit with the fierceness of Elsabet's pain. A vicious piercing which entered his heart and seemed to seep out into his soul like a black cloud. Making him ache.

He could feel her there. Up high above. In her window.

Watching me.

But he didn't look, knowing it'd drive her into hiding.

Why is she hurting?

He slid from Sivikon. Stepping carefully, to avoid straining his tender muscles as he walked the mount. He knew his pain was obvious in the knee he currently favored. He attuned himself to her thoughts. Using that meager advantage to prepare him for what might come.

He was astounded at what he'd found. Of all things!

Her indignation stemmed from wondering if another woman, impatient with wanting him, had torn his garments to get at his body.

When have I time for such a thing? The thought was so ridiculous he nearly laughed. I don't want any other woman.

Innately faithful, Forever Knights, sought only one true mate. Once they found her, no other would be enough. And mine is here. Hating me for everything she imagines I'm doing.

His eyes flew up to see her glaring down with the intense study of a bird. He moved hesitantly, willing his exhausted body to do as commanded. Taking the last steps toward the rejuvenating forces of WaterRose.

Energy that'll restore me. He breathed in relief. Gladly absorbing it. As it hit him like a refreshing wave of cool air. Making his skin tingle and his hair blow around his face in the breeze generated from the force of its momentum soothing him like a healing balm.

Though it couldn't make him magically better, it was a nice step in the right direction.

He reached out and caught handfuls of the water. Splashing it over his face and down the back of his neck. As he took his time washing in the bailey, he released Sivikon's rein to allow the horse to trot off toward the stable. Eager to visit the boy that worked there.


Elsabet peered through the crack in the castle door, clinging to the shadows within. The closer he drew, the more she was able to see how haggard he was.

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