A Bit of Blood

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"A hell of a skill." Acharius muttered dryly at Sebastian's self-deprecating statement. Acharius ran a large hand through long dishwater blonde hair.

"My unfailing logic is what allows me be unendingly selfish whilst telling myself I'm a reasonably good man." Bast grinned.

"You're the best sort of man." Acharius corrected, grudgingly before tipping his head to nudge his flat forehead against Sebastian's in farewell.

He turned and strode in the direction of the Netherlands. Pushing trees apart and stepping over a low shrub to begin making his way.

To relieve Rhyers.

Acharius never left his den unguarded.

Or the things in it.

Sebastian heard a couple running steps and a hop and knew it would be Acharius turning into a wolf.

He caught a glimpse of a furred silver tail vanishing into the leaves.

"As are you, old friend." Sebastian murmured.

Glancing around the side of the carriage, Nora saw the constable's coach tailing them. Repeatedly jerking to a stop when the driver maliciously yanked rein.

Making a rough ride for whoever was inside. Sebastian grimaced as it yanked to a stop again.

Sebastian looked at the big iron fence surrounding the property, a bit rusted from the ravages of time. Beyond that was the house. Towering like an old painting of a haunted place. Trees clustered along both sides of the winding drive in shades of dull browns and faded oranges, full of crackling leaves. A few trees were further out, stationed on the lawn. Those had long since turned to skeletal versions of their former spring density. Now they were sentries for the mansion's dark silhouette. A bleak structure which looked chained to the sky by tendrils of charcoal cloud streaming from the roof. Grasping wooden fingers, the remnants of twining rose vines, climbed the corners. Clawing at the once-white siding.

It is haunted. Sebastian thought. The memories and emotion of the last life Deragan and his mate lived, still walked those halls. Leaving footprints in the alpha's soul.

Yes, it's haunted...

Sorrow was tangible here. Like a thousand souls had come and gone, coating everything like toxic frost. Heavy darkness made clouds swirl across the moon. The absence of street torches made even the stars reluctant to offer illumination.

Nothing dares shine here. Bast could peek in the minds of the woman and children arriving tonight.

The alpha's mate and her siblings.

They were terrified. Their fear flavored the air. That was something that was always likely to draw Cimmerii.

Demons love the scent of terror.

Which, Sebastian knew, was the reason Deragan wanted him to come watch over them while he tied up matters in town.

As the carriage drew sideways past him, Bast caught a glimpse of the white-haired woman within. To his view, the little streamers of light moving under Nora's skin, were apparent.

To his knowledge, he was the only one in all of Ardae that could see it.

Aside from the demons.

Sebastian took the shape of the panther again. Preparing himself for a fight.

The coach coming up the drive behind the one the Fallen was in, carried the taint of Cimmerii energy.

One of the mortals with it was already becoming a Firoque.

Firoque were the creatures still partly human. The ones that already had the demon rot setting in. Eventually they would become one of Radix's demonic beasts. Some form of animal, generally.

Sebastian was kneading the ground restlessly. Lip twisting into a snarl.

I'm ready.

Step into view. He willed it.

The fey that had been hovering around him and scattering the ground before him, now beginning to change color faster in fear or anger. They became a rainbow of blooming lights.

Scared from my path.

A whiff of blood drew his attention and made his stomach growl. Lurching forward he stayed himself from lunging into the open meadow. His animal instinct wanting him to pursue that delicious scent.

But an eager young voice speaking fast drew his attention to the parked carriage. A little boy's voice. An excited one.

The coach stopped behind it.

Boots slid from the driver's bench to crunch over gravel. Cimmerii stink rose off the man dressed as a Grier Guardsman. Rising off him like steaming decay. Bast found the smell nauseating in its sticky sweetness.

The man was yanking stuff from atop the coach. Opening the door of it to toss a doll on the ground before reaching back inside.

Bast didn't like his aggression toward the children. His shoulders shifted, tightening black paws in the dirt as he lowered his head to assess the distance across the meadow. His sights locked on the corrupt Guardsman.

Considering how to rip his head off his narrow shoulders.

A small girl's blood curdling scream split the air.

Roaring, Bast charged through the trees.

"What the Hell was that?" The Guardsman let go of the child and looked around in confusion. Trying to figure out where my roar had come from.

The Guardsman backed toward his coach and turned the door handle. Grunting when it was kicked open and two young men spilled out. Pouring profanity.

There was a bit of a brawl as twin men climbed out. Attacking the Guardsman despite that they were restrained.

The twins were rather impressive.

Raw aggression.

The little boy was cheering them on, and the little girl was hiding in her big sister's skirts.

Bast gave another rumbling growl, in warning. Silencing owls and crickets. Far closer than earlier, it raked Nora's frayed nerves. Drawing everyone's attention.

They stilled like alert rabbits.

Bast caught a scent even more pungent version of demonic rot. His gaze moved to the bottom of the coach.

From there, dual sets of orange-red Noni eyes peered at him.



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