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Like a coward, Sebastian pulled on his boots and strode from the room. A wave of his hand had clothes on the floor turning to floating gold flakes which disappeared through the floor.

A flick of his finger down his chest to his feet made clothes appear on him. Trousers molded his legs. Boots forming around his feet, as he reached the door. He pulled the handle and entered the hallway shirtless.

That's torn on the library floor. He went that way to pick it up. Not in the mood to answer his brethren's questions.

He aimed for the front door next. I can't be here when she wakes and realizes she's bound to the castle again. To me...

In only a matter of hours he heard her heartbeat speed, and her breaths lighten as she woke with the sun above the meadow.

"Sebastian!" She raged. Immediately sensing the magic holding her. "You betrayer!"

He grimaced and like a hound with tail tucked, he crept across the foyer and out the double doors to escape until she calmed.

In all the world the only thing he couldn't bear to face was Elsabet's disappointment.


Meadowbrook, Grier Country

Sebastian found himself sitting in the Alpha's Country rental. Bast had sensed the deep silence in Deragan's thoughts and knew that he was partaking of their rare rest.

"Thanks for keeping watch." Deragan murmured. After having finally woke from a long Knight's Sleep and wandered from his chamber on the small one-level. "How long?"

How long did he sleep?

That was always their first question because time was lost while they rested so deeply. They never knew how much had passed by the time they awoke.

"You slept three days. Must've needed it." Bast shrugged.

"Too long." Deragan thought.

"I was here." Bast reassured. "Long as you need."

They exchanged a look.

"Are you avoiding WaterRose?" Deragan cut to the heart of the matter in his typical way.

Bast winced. Revealing the truth. "Going hunting?" He changed the subject as he twisted to cross his arms over the back of the couch. Propping his chin on a fist.

Deragan grunted. "Of course. But whatever you're avoiding her for, won't change by the time you return."

Bast looked pained. Working hard to evade the subject. "Can I come?" He asked hopefully.

"Keep up." Deragan headed for the door gesturing for him to follow.

"You mean don't leave you behind?" Jogging past Deragan, and out the door, Bast hopped off the steps and danced backward to taunt his Alpha.

Pausing in the doorway Deragan shook his head and shoulders. Waking his animal senses, he tuned his hearing over the distance and caught animal sounds scuffling down the block stirring through grass.

Stepping outside he shielded his eyes against the sun's piercing glare. A glance overhead had clouds moving to form a barrier. Dense fog lowered to conceal his movements. Leaping from his doorway he crossed the lawns. Ignoring Bast's shout that he cheated, he crossed the road and headed for the grove.

Within the shade of the trees, he felt an immediate surge. Energy.

Lunging into the air he shifted, landing as the wolf. Behind him he heard the pad of paws. Glancing back, he met the yellow-eyed stare of the panther.



Changing shape was a muscle. The more often it was flexed the smoother it happened.

Bast changes more often. He could admit the other man was better at it. I'm getting there again. It hurts less.

As they ducked a few branches and batted leaves aside to enter past the exterior lining of the forest they began to pay attention. Here in Gunnison the trees were known for their towering height and their triangular shaped leaves which tended to shower over one as they walked below them. Dense bushes gathered beneath the trees making some directions impassable.

Deragan slowed his step so he could better hear movements further back in the shrubbery.

Listening attentively, he caught the nervous chirp of a bird as it flew from the underbrush. Despite jumping immediately, the bird was already higher than he could reach. Sending wings jutting through his fur he gave two quick flaps and his teeth clamped around the bird. Wings curling back, he landed.

Bast turned human and stood. "That one didn't count. You startled it!"

Deragan paused to savor his reward.

Bast glowered.

Rustling behind made them whip around in time to catch a flash of black, disappearing behind trees.

Only one thing is stupid enough to hunt us. Dropping the bird, Deragan turned human and faced his friend.

"Cimmerii." Bast sighed, shoulders falling and his good humor with it.

"If they're following me, they know who she is." Deragan swore.

"If they didn't know we were here for her before, they do now." Sebastian agreed disheartened.

The clock had begun ticking.


"Where the hell is Rhyers?" Deragan paced his rental. Running a hand through his black hair. "How'd they get so close without him knowing?"

"He can't be everywhere all the time." Bast reminded quietly. Understanding The Alpha's strain.

"I know that." Deragan deflated. "I just hate when they make it so close to her. And I hate it even more that they know she's here."

"We'll never be able to hide her. The Cimmerii can feel when she's close."

"I know." Deragan turned again. His eyes on his polished boots. "I have to get closer to her. I have to get things set into motion so she has somewhere to go where we can protect her."

"Are you thinking Rosewynn?"

Deragan turned and blinked at Bast. "It was hers, after all."

"So, what do you need?"

"A solicitor."

"A legal man?" Bast blinked. "That isn't a role I'd do well."

"No. You can't be serious long enough."

Bast nodded. "This is true."

"Then who?"

"I'd suggest My Brother. Somber, depressing, official and boring is a perfect role for him. He plays it daily."

Deragan missed the humor in Bast's insults, so intent was he on the plan he formulated. He nodded slowly in assent. "I'll summon him."

Bast steeped his fingertips before him. "Excellent."

Alazareth will hate the part. A bit of play acting will do him good. Bast thought.

Perhaps lighten him up. He considered that a moment as he watched The Alpha turning to commence pacing the other direction. Doubtful though.

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