Jealous Faces

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She'll say no. Sebastian reassured himself. Certain that Elsabet would deny Rhyers her company the same as she'd been denying him.

But there was another long silence, as she studied Rhyers. Trying to assess his motives.

What are his motives? Bast wondered himself from the floor below. What are you up to, Friend?

Rhyers murmured something too low for Bast to hear, as Dorena grew louder in an attempt to regain his attention.

Dammit. I can't hear. He tossed her a look. Brows knitting in aggravation. Effectively silencing her.


He felt like he'd missed something in the ongoings upstairs.

What'd he say to her?

It must've worked, because she said only one word. "Wait."

And the door closed.

No. Don't do it.

Don't go with him.

Come down for me.

A short time later, Bast heard her step returning to the door. He waited in anticipation. Stomach tight, knowing she'd soon come into view. Her step soft on the stairs, intermingling with Rhyers' light footfalls.

They rounded into the Dining Hall where Dorena and Bast drank wine near the massive stone fireplace.

Rhyers and Elsabet glided in. Both looking as if they owned the Hall. Making Sebastian seethe with virulent envy.

His starved gaze roved over her. Taking in everything, in one look.

She wore her favorite silver gown. Trimmed in blue and pink with silver vines embroidering the hem and belt. The fabric wound with threads of sparkling silk. Making her catch the eye in the firelight. The cloth reflecting a similar shade to her hair. Her dark blue eyes were currently huge on her pointed elvish face. Flicking over him, and then Dorena disdainfully. Taking in the intimate sight of them there.

Not what you think! He had the sudden urge to push Dorena over. Away from me.

Let her spill her wine and screw being well-mannered!

I just want my woman back. There was perhaps an exaggeration in that thought, since he was aware he'd never really had her to begin with.

Bast knew he should rip his gaze away and try to feign a similar disinterest, but he found he absolutely could not.

She looks like a damn queen. He drew a whistling breath. Is she more beautiful tonight or does she only look it, since I haven't seen her in days?

Rhyers had her hand folded over his forearm and his resting over it.

That simple touch had Bast suffering the sudden urge to break all of his friend's fingers. A low snarl emitted from his throat as he stared at where the pair were connected.

Rhyers lifted a fine dark brow as he tilted his head cautioningly.

Enjoying taunting me.

Unable to tolerate anymore, Bast slid to his feet, abandoning Dorena to descend on them. "What are you about?"

Rhyers was of similar height, perhaps an inch or two taller, but far slighter. However, he met Bast's thunderous stare unwaveringly. "I asked a beautiful woman to share my dinner."

His boldness is unwise. Bast's fingertips itched to snatch his throat.

Elsabet looked up at Bast unabashedly. Cheeks flushed at the compliment.

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