I've Got Her

402 22 0

Crone's Hut, Netherlands


Mardichi and Teverius were happy to see Acharius. Turning human as he stepped from the woods. Clothing materializing around his giant body. And quiver sliding up his back, the strap creeping over his shoulder to cinch across his torso, bow materializing in hand.

He fired arrows as he crossed the meadow from the Netherwood. Cutting a path through the Targue. The slivers of wood flew in a hailstorm. Hitting nearly simultaneously a hairsbreadth before the next set landed.

"I've never seen so many!" Acharius yelled, seeing the clearing awash with the movement of the monsters. "What are they after?"

Acharius fired another round of arrows, but Tev shouted and clumsily batted it from the path of piercing the animal next to him.

Despite his great speed, catching arrows had never been his forte. Acharius noted.

"My dogs!"

"Which ones?" Acharius called back.

Tev jumped up from dragging a hatchet over the stomach of one and turned to gesture at his back where six huge Targue guarded him. Fending off the rest by pinioning them to the ground. Or tearing at their throats.

Shutters flew open above them. "What's going on?" The sleepy wail of a child.

A voice boomed across the clearing. "What do you need?" Alpha Deragan emerged, dodging a low branch and straightening. Drawing all eyes to him in the same way he commanded any room he entered.

Tev twisted to point up at the child's head protruding from the shack. Screaming.



A panther launched from the brush and crossed the meadow at a huffing pace. Breathing like a machine, as his legs carried him over the grass. I've got the child. He whispered into their minds as he reached the door of the shack. Already changing into a man as he eased it open and crossed the threshold. Taking the stairs to the girl's chamber.

She turned terrified eyes to him, seeing only a glowing yellow gaze hovering in the dark. "My Wolf?" She breathed. "There's so many? What are they?" Her eyes widened as he drew closer. She rubbed them with her fists. "Who are you?"

Her hands fluttered nervously around her face. As she realized he wasn't Tev.

His eyes are blue. Nothing like mine. He stepped into the weak light of a meager candle.

She stared up at his face and hers relaxed. Eyes glazing. "You-you're so..."

Mesmerizing. Yes, I know.

"Yes." He knelt before the child. "I need you to listen to me." He cupped her chin to keep her looking into his glowing gold eyes. "You're so tired. So very tired."

Listen to my voice.

The Voice of Persuasion.

"I am tired." She murmured. Eyes shifting sleepily toward her cot.

"Yes. You should get some rest for your tired little eyes. All your bad dreams will go while you sleep." He flicked a hand for emphasis.

"Just bad dreams..."

That's all you'll remember them as now, Little One.

He backed from her. Letting her tuck back into her bed and pull the coverlet numbly over her. Nestling a hand under her cheek, she sighed. Relaxing back into slumber.

Rest now.

Bast waved a hand over the room and gold flakes covered the window and the door. Silencing this room to the chaos outside. Protecting her chamber from evil coming in here.

And Bast knew. The same as he knew of the little girl Acharius' looked after. Like her, this lovely child generated a white glow that was nearly blinding to Bast's eyes.

A light only I see...

This was what Tev wished to protect. His eyes assessed the small frame burrowed under the coverlet, breathing steadily.

Teverius was right to call us here.

He eased the door closed behind him. Took the stairs and closed the front door. Rejoining the fray in the meadow.

He's stayed here for a reason...This...

Sebastian opened the front door and took note of the scene unfolding in the meadow before the shack.

The Alpha commanded attention in his extreme violence. Every strike was lethal. He didn't need weapons. His strength allowed him to rip creatures in half with his bare hands. He cut through them like an animal.

More beast than they. Bast thought. Proud to watch him.

Between them, the knights whittled down the Cimmerii numbers. When Tev broke from the group he scraped the ash around the porch with his boot. Destroying the summoning the Dread had created.

"Was there a woman in the house?" Tev called to Bast.

"Only the girl."

"A girl?" Acharius head whipped. "Is that what we're here for?" He flushed red in fury.

"Not now." Bast said. Not wanting him to chastise Teverius for what he'd done. "Leave Little Brother alone."


Acharius grunted and resumed firing arrows. Obeying Bast, thankfully.

"What is this?" Alazareth's voice cut the meadow as he emerged dragging a red-haired woman with him. Ringlets poured around her face. Her eyes luminesced orange. Revealing her as a Cimmerii servant.

"No idea." Tev murmured. "Where's the black-haired Dark Dread?"

"Haven't seen her." Acharius said.

"This," Alazareth shook his fistful of hair. "Was standing here, calling to the Cimmerii. She won't again soon." He caught her forehead and chin, preparing to snap her neck.

But she shrieked and ripped away with stunning strength. White bat like wings jutted from her back. Unfolding to carry her from Alazareth's grip. He leapt to catch her but grazed only her toes as she flew from his reach.

"You're letting her get away!" Mardichi roared.

"What is she?" Acharius demanded. Nocking arrows he fired three at her, but she sent a surge of magic that tossed them away from her. Showering them down on the men who had to duck them.

No more of those!

"She's strong!" Alazareth shouted back. Infuriated as he watched the creature escape him. "I've never seen a Cimmerii wench so strong." He murmured. Confused about her uncommon strength. The feel of her magic had been...Familiar.


By the time all was said and done the knights had overpowered the Targue. Smashing and crushing them until they were whimpering and crawling. Or had returned to the crumpled bodies of humans.

"We have to clean this up." Tev murmured.

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