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Rhyers had handed her over to the beast with zero preamble. Denying Elsabet proper time to retreat. Now she was firmly in Sebastian's clutches.

In all the golden opulence of the expansive Dining Hall, she was mesmerized. Staring him down. Mesmerized by the candlelit shades of gold in his halo of waving hair. His turquoise eyes had captured her every bit as intensely as his grip on her hand. Telling her his intentions.

You're mine now, Sweet Thing.

She shot up a panicked look. Blue eyes suddenly vulnerable as she came to terms with the face she'd been so staunchly avoiding since the other woman's arrival.

And my protection of her.

Bast met her look squarely. Lightly tugging her closer. Wanting to both reassure her, that no woman in the castle stirred him, but her. And to steal her composure to see that vulnerability that was always just beneath her fierce façade.

She took a jerking step forward as he pulled.

"Why will you come down for him?" He pressed.

I know why. But I wish to hear her say it.

"Because he said it'd be pretty vengeance for my...hurt." She said slowly.

Ah, a tiny admonition.

She was admitting, in her own distant way, that she was wounded by Dorena's presence.

And her constant hanging on me.

Elsabet had glimpsed the woman drawing far too close to him, on more occasions than he would have wished.

Which truthfully, would've been none.

Thus, why he'd become so tough in demanding she keep her distance and act properly.

Which had resulted in Elengard's chastising.

"And was it?" Bast's gold brow shot up as he asked her.

She gave a grudging tilt of her head. Her other hand floating in a helpless gesture.

"If you want my attention, you need only ask." He tugged her a few inches closer. "You have it."


From the moment you're in the same room as me.

"I..." She thought to pull her hand again. Trying to dislodge his grip.

He let it slip away with no intention of allowing her anymore retreat than that.

So distracted by the motion, she didn't notice his other hand wrapping her lower back to draw her against him.

"You look like an angel." His face dropped to her hair near her neck.

And I would know.

His hand swept it off her shoulder, to expose her slender throat to the brush of his lips. Which immediately elicited a delighted shiver.

"What are you doing?" She cried under her breath. Peering over his shoulder. And putting a hand to his chest to push backward.

"They can be damned! I've missed your smell...In my library, in the foyer, on the stairs, in the hall...In my bed...In your bed." He said huskily.

"Sebastian! Cease!" She whispered harshly.

I can't.

She was looking worriedly at them and then him. Telling him she thought he spoke too loudly.

"I've missed you."

"Is this because you're jealous?" She pushed against his chest, but he didn't release.

She'd push a lot harder than that, if she meant it. That initial meeting and his near-evisceration floated through his mind.

Warning him to be careful.

But all of him, from the waist down, was demanding he seduce her.


"No." He shook his head emphatically. "It's because it's the first time in days you've been close enough, for me to get my hands on you."

"B-but...Dinner." She mouthed. Fear entering her eyes.

Fear? Of me.

"Why do you look at me like that?"

"Like what?"

"Afraid. I haven't hurt you."

"It's not...It's...not you, I fear." She admitted. Surprising him.

"Then what?"


He glanced in her mind and heard the thought she couldn't say. Myself!

She fears herself?

That she'll succumb. To me?  He drew a steadying breath, considering that progress. Finally.

He loosened his grip slightly.

She took a small step back. Gnawing her lip in a way that made him want to gnaw her lip.

Rhyers stepped back to the side of them. Looking at Bast a long moment. Who still couldn't tear his eyes from the woman before him, like a hungry predator with an eye on prey.

"My, my..." Rhyers murmured. "Aren't you intense tonight?"

Bast gave him a sideways look.

"How about some dinner?" He'd taken Dorena's hand and led her to the table. Noticing she still stared at Bast's back brokenly.

They walked the length of the table to examine the stewed vegetables boiled in duck fat, a pork roast which had been slow cooked in the fireplace, and there was a pile of pastries on an inviting silver platter. A bit of red jam seeping from them.

"Strawberry!" Dorena said, feigning more excitement than she seemed to feel. "My favorite!"

Elsabet's head spun to her. Eyes falling to the pastry then turning on Bast accusingly.

He grinned unabashedly. "I'd hoped you'd come down eventually."

"How did you know it would be tonight?"

"I've had Elengard making them every night."

"You're not amusing."

"Ah, but I am charming."

She whipped her head to look at him askance. "Who told you that? They lied."

I did have that one discussion with Lucien on how to be charming. But in his defense, he hadn't seen her enough to try it out yet.

They walked to the table, and Bast pulled out the chair for her.

She gave him a wary look as she sat.

He slid it into the table, with her in it. Taking the seat next to her.

Dorena and Rhyers circled the table to be next to them.

More at Dorena's insistence than Rhyers' choice. Bast noted.

Dorena pulled out the chair on the other side of Bast, whom barely spared her a glance. Tilting slightly to give her a bit more of his back.

Hoping she might take the hint.

I've longing for only one woman. My mate.

Rhyers gave a warning shake of his head at her, but Dorena pointedly ignored him and sat. Untucking her long blonde hair to fall over the chairback. Nearly matching the shade of her cream gown and gold slippers.

She did look ravishing.

Perhaps even a bit similar to Elsabet, but Bast couldn't have cared less. He was murmuring affectionately to Elsabet, when he felt a caress along his other shoulder.

"Don't." He snapped at Dorena critically.

You're trying to make her jealous. Don't do that. He shook his head, lips tight. I won't have you provoking her.

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