Big Dangerous Animal

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Her eyes flicked to the meager distance between them, eyes widening as she realized he was right. She leaned toward him. Only a couple inches now separating them. She was drawn like a magnet. Her face upturned and lips nearly pressed to his.

"You're a devious, rogue." Her face hardened.

When I'm with you.

"Aye." He nodded with a lopsided grin as he caressed her chin. "That I am."

She pushed past him.

But he caught her arm and swung her back around, pushing her against the wall and pinning her with his weight. One hand brushing along her jaw to cup the back of her neck. Ready to hold her in place if she fought.

Unable to resist the temptation any longer, he stole her mouth. Tasting every sweet corner of it. Taking in her scent, swallowing her breaths. When she did muster enough sanity to try and object, he swallowed that to.

When she tried to push away by lurching her hips forward, he met her there. Pressing his already hardened length against her to let her know what she'd already done to him.

And how much I want her.



She ripped her face away. "No!"

And there was fear in her eyes. So, this time when she shoved him, he lifted his hands in surrender and turned his body to let her by. "You'll want more, Little Harpie. I guarantee it. And when you're ready my bed will be warm...And I'll be hard as a rock for you."

She shook her head frantically and gasped in outrage fleeing up the steps.

Eyeing where her hair had exposed the spot atop her shoulder. Near the curve of her neck. It looks delicious.

I could mark her. Right here and now. Make her mine forever.

Possess her as mine. He contemplated it. Tossing around the idea of forcing her to be his mate despite all her objections.

I could wear her down.

But half of Elsabet's charm was in the fact that she didn't succumb to him the way every swooning maid before her had.

I want her on her terms.

Begging for me.

She put a hand to his chest to keep him at a distance on the narrow stair, hissing at the touch.

He smiled, reflexively pinning her hand to him with his palm. Tempted to slide her palm down his flat stomach. But he refrained. Somehow. His eyes probed her face at such close quarters.

"It's amazing I even found my way down here." She sputtered quickly trying to fill the silence.

You do all the time. But it's cute you think I don't know...


"This castle is endless rooms and passageways." She added quickly. Eyes flicking to her escape route.

He dipped into her thoughts. Curious what she was considering. The doorway upstairs.

"You've found those, have you?" He chuckled. Surprised at her enterprising nature.

She's discovered in only a few years what many of the other knights don't even know.

She gave him a quick look. Knowing he was peering into her thoughts.

And hating it.

Her hands were beginning to shake, and her eyes were moving in the furtive way that told him she was inwardly panicking. Petrified I'll touch her...Again.

His gaze roved over her. Considering pushing her against the wall and kissing her until she submitted.

Surrenders all that hatred and fear and finds out how much I can teach her to enjoy... He shifted his weight to distract his body from the response already happening below his waist.

Desire for her.


"I don't care if you explore." He shrugged. "I can smell you anywhere in this stronghold." He breathed in her hair. "You can't hide from me. Go where you wish."

"Who built this thing?" She gestured in frustration as she jerked her hand free and slid past him. Turning stormy blue eyes on him.


To protect The Fallen.

"Of course, you did." She tossed over her shoulder.

His chuckle chased her down the hall. "Run, Harpie, Run. Get away from the big. Dangerous. Animal."

His head lowered and his eyes flared gold. You've no idea how dangerous I can be...

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